22. NASA pushes back time frame for human moon mission to 2025 ... ← NASA – the end of mankind leaked document 2013 Revisited 2021. In light of the Nasa War Document, the Covid agenda starts to make sense. več NASA - Future Strategic Issue s/Fut ure Warfare [Circa 2025] By Dennis M. Bushnell, Chief Scientist, NASA Langley Research Center *** LINKS PROVIDED BELOW *** Mirro red from going 4u2 ‪ http: //www.yout ube.c om/us er/go ing4u 2‬ A copy of this powerpoint prese ntati on can be found here: ‪htt p://w ww.fa s.org /man/ eprin t/Fut ureW Number changed to SPR 1400.1. Document Scope: This NASA Technical Handbook provides guidance for establishing NASA’s digital engineering acquisition framework that includes Data Requirements Descriptions (DRDs) and contractual language for the Statement of Work (SOW) in support of a digital engineering environment (DEE). 2025-04-01. NASA The document itself is startling, though, as are some others I came across in my archives when I was looking for this one. If an alien race publicly declared war on NASA how would NASA react given two years to prepare? [ https://www.quora.com/If-an-alien-race-publicly-d... Research. SHOCKING NASA DEEP STATE PLANS FOR 2025 DEPOPULATION CULLING ACTUAL DOCUMENTS REVEALED! Answer (1 of 5): You need to understand the engineering use of the English language (read: POOR). Future Strategic Issues/Future Warfare 2025 aka The NASA War Document is the third and final entry in a trilogy of documents that I am covering and analyzing. The first two were: Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars (1979, 1986) and The Report from Iron Mountain (1967). Some have seen these three documents as examples of 4th generation asymmetric warfare. But it's not secret. NASA PDF The Future of War circa 2025. NASA 2022: A Year of Innovation. The lecture in question is titled, "Training and Testing for Future Strategic Issues/Future Warfare [CIRCA 2025] by Dennis M. Bushnell, NASA Langley Research Center" and is linked to the 113 slide PowerPoint presentation. Tavares has misrepresented this NASA scientist's "Future Strategic Issues" lecture as if it is a "NASA War Document." NASA's next mission to the moon has been delayed until 2025 at the earliest. îNASA Orion. ‘The NASA War Document’ is titled ‘Future Strategic Issues/Future Warfare’ for the era of 2025 and beyond. Protection. NASA PDF The Future of War circa 2025 : Cyberpunk Budget Documents, Strategic Plans and Performance ... - … from Kerry Fritz II on Vimeo. Nothing left in the right brain. %3Csarcasm%3E Absolutely. Humanity is doomed. %3C/sarcasm%3E No. Of course not. Are you seriously considering that it might me? Debunked: NASA War... The truth is, it isn't news, isn't new, and has nothing whatever to do with NASA. Sign in Once again, this was largely forgotten in the fallout of 9/11 which spawned hundreds of conspiracy theories from both the public and the U.S. government as well. NASA spune că oamenii nu vor reveni pe Lună mai repede de 2025. de Vlad Barza HotNews.ro. SHOCKING: NASA DEEP STATE PLANS FOR 2025 … Nasa Future War Document---2025 Dennis Bushnell; Documentary on US Riots; Four Planned Parenthood Clinics Closed in Iowa June (10) May (8) April (12) March (18) February (18) January (24) 2016 (11) December (4) November (1) Sign in. posted on Jun, 25 2013 @ 07:01 PM. I once drove a colleague to another person's house for historic interviewing. NASA has officially adjusted its timeline for the Artemis III mission and won't be landing on the Moon in 2024. Moreover, by the time two flight-ready xEMUs are available, NASA will have spent over a billion dollars on the development and assembly of its next-generation spacesuits. Weather as a Force Multiplier: Owning the Weather in 2025 – A Research Paper Presented to Air Force 2025 Through technology, NASA and several other organizations have planned, prepared, and predicted certain events that might take place by the year 2025. In 2025, US aerospace forces can “own the weather” by capitalizing on emerging technologies and focusing development of those technologies to war-fighting applications. NASA Plans For 2025 Actual Documents Revealed Might be useful to add Deborah Tavares to the title so it's search-able that way. NASA pushes back crewed moon landing to 2025. NASA’s Parker Solar Probe has flown through the … That defies credulity. NASA WAR DOCUMENT vs HUMANITY FOUND ON NASA SITE ... You mean the Internet conspiracy theory based on a 2-hour presentation on the theoretical role of space in future warfare put together by and for t... This is the “Readers Digest” version of a 2-hour Presentation put together at the request of the Army War College/SSI Presentation has been written up by Bill Stryker of DIA/Futures as the NASA: The End Of Mankind “Leaked Document” 2013 – WET TV This is a very important video with Deborah Tavares and Trevor Coppola discussing the newly revealed. FYs 2021 through 2025, the Agency uses a rough estimate for the first three missions that excludes $25 billion for key activities related to planned missions beyond Artemis III. Everything she has to say is of huge significance to each one of us. 2025 Document Nasa NASA NASA amended this PEA to extend the proposal due date to September 22, 2021 and the date of first instrument delivery to December 2025. NASA This is a very old document (2001). Nasa 2025 The Future of War - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. Future Strategic Issues/Future Warfare (Circa 2025) THE FUTURE IS NOW! I came across this video today and dont quite know what to make of it.. Re: PLEASE READ!!! 2025-06-02. NASA pushes back crewed moon landing to 2025. We always make sure that writers follow all your instructions precisely. About Nasa War 2025 Document . Seems like a pious fraud sort of thing. Like you know your neighbor is a murderer but nobody will believe you so create a newspaper to gain credibi... guy hatchard: pfizer document concedes that there is a large increase in types of adverse event reaction to its vaccine The Tatty Journal on RESEARCH: Dandelion leaf extract blocks spike proteins from binding to the ACE2 cell surface receptor December 5, 2021 Everything she has to say is of huge significance to each one of us. NASA Future Strategic Issues/Future Warfare [Circa 2025] 2001 NASA document describes future weaponry and outlines warfare capabilities inclusive of a scenario to “Takedown” the U.S. by 10 People and <$10M . She's just not understanding it. Message from the NASA CIO By 2025, Generation Y, or millennials, as some people call them, will make up roughly 75% of the world’s workforce. Yeah. actual documents, depopulation, depopulation culling, nasa deep state plans Conspiracy theories about depopulation of the Earth come in a number of flavors. There's a woman claiming this document was found on the NASA website but that they've pulled it since publishing. The PDF document is entitled “Future Strategic Issues/Future Warfare [Circa 2025]“, published by Dennis M. Bushnell formerly the Chief Scientist at NASA’s Langley Research Center. NASA WAR PLAN DOCUMENT. With a whopping 79 moons, immensely powerful winds, mysterious sounds, swirling patterns and bright aurorae, it goes without saying that Jupiter has long been an object of fascination, wonder and intrigue. No, NASA is not fake (or based on a lie). But it would be easy to find examples where people would say otherwise. Just go to YouTube and type "NASA... It's a future warfare document with lots of bio/nano-tech info. Refer to NASA-HDBK-2203 section 7.8, if applicable, for guidance on software products. Sometimes you get into situations where there simply are no good options. They could have used imaging satellites. Better, they could have done an... îNASA Orion. 15 Leaks That NASA Didn’t Want Us To Know About. Dennis M. Bushnell. This interview with Deborah Tavares is the companion to the document below, which is a NASA War document that was found on the NASA website. Presentation. ... NASA plans to put astronauts back on the moon no earlier than 2025. Answer (1 of 4): You mean the Internet conspiracy theory based on a 2-hour presentation on the theoretical role of space in future warfare put together by and for the US Army War College , given in 2001? This document was offered as a presentation in July of 2001. It'll be many more moons before NASA astronauts make a lunar return. Dark theme turns the light surfaces of the page dark, creating an experience ideal for night. The first two were: Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars (1979, 1986) and The Report from Iron Mountain (1967). "NASA recently extended its target date for sending astronauts back to the moon to 2025 at the earliest." The PDF document is entitled “Future Strategic Issues/Future Warfare [Circa 2025]“, published by Dennis M. Bushnell formerly the Chief Scientist at NASA’s Langley Research Center. Our goal is to create a safe and engaging place for users to connect over interests and passions. NASA has officially adjusted its timeline for the Artemis III mission and won't be landing on the Moon in 2024. downloaded on March 3, 2011, from the CDC website. In my view, Bushnell intended the NASA war document to be a defensive document and not one calling for offensive attacks. In fact, he points this out many times in the document itself wherein he calls for the U.S. defense infrastructure to plan for these types of dystopian future attacks. This is a year of innovation. just .mil sites: Future Strategic Issues/Future Warfare 2025 aka The NASA War Document is the third and final entry in a trilogy of documents that I am covering and analyzing. Didgeridont 10 months ago. NASA is nothing more than a masonic, occult and deeply satanic deception operation. NASA Future Warfare 2025 (2) Von AdminVI2021 | Veröffentlicht 4. Warfare Dennis M. Bushnell Chief Scientist NASA Langley Research Center. These three documents, Weather War document, Future warfare, Population figures of the countries, authorized by US Air Force, NASA, CIA, FBI, DARPA, ... all indicate the same endgame year: 2025. NASA HeadquartelS 10/15/20 Date 10/15/20 Date 10/15/20 Date 10/30/20 Date By signing this document, signatories are certifying that the content herein is acceptable as direction for managing this Program and that they will ensure its implementation by those over whom they have authority. P.4 APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS AND FORMS . English. The promoter falsely claims that the “NASA War Document” is a “secret” government document discovered and downloaded (or “leaked”) from a “NASA website” which she claims proves that NASA and/or the United States government intend to develop (or are currently developing) and intend to use (or are currently … The document is real, it's a real NASA document made for the military. NASA admite, prin vocea administratorului Bill Nelson, că ținta de a readuce oameni pe Lună în 2024 nu este fezabilă din cauza întârzierilor acumulate de programul Artemis. "NASA is not properly estimating costs for the Artemis program and could spend $93 billion between fiscal years 2021 and 2025," writes Slashdot reader schwit1. NASA is nothing more than a masonic, occult and deeply satanic deception operation. NASA pushes back time frame for human moon mission to 2025. When aggregating all relevant costs across mission directorates, NASA is projected to spend $93 billion on the Artemis effort up to FY 2025. To be honest, the whole “NASA is fake” is the Dunning–Kruger effect [ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dunning%E2%80%93Kruger_effect ] in action. Peop... CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. (AP) — NASA is delaying putting astronauts back on the moon until 2025 at the earliest, missing the deadline set by the Trump administration. b. NPR 7150.2, NASA Software Engineering Requirements . Foto: NASA. share: robbystarbuck. 3 billion is a 2. Re: NASA document of the plan to do to humanity. 1 Refer to any applicable NPRs, (e.g., NPR 7120.5, 7150.2, 8705.2) and table 5-1 in this document for required products. "Excipients are inactive ingredients..." Oh, really? NASA has announced a delay in putting astronauts back on the moon until 2025 at the earliest, missing the deadline set by the Trump administration. Foto: NASA. the future for humanity. THE “NASA WAR DOCUMENT HOAX” EXPLAINED!!!!! NASA Future Strategic Issues/Future Warfare [Circa 2025] 2001 NASA document describes future weaponry and outlines warfare capabilities inclusive of a scenario to “Takedown” the U.S. by 10 People and <$10M . link. NASA WAR PLAN DOCUMENT. NASA is extending its target date for sending astronauts back to the moon to 2025 at the earliest, the U.S. space agency’s chief said on Tuesday, stretching out by at least a year the timeline pronounced under former President Donald Trump. NASA Langley Research Center presentation on the future warfighting concepts and developments up to 2025. . Chemtrails, GMO food, poisoned … With a budget increase of more than 6% from the previous year, NASA will continue to boost its ingenuity in exploration, technology, aeronautics and science. B- these documents preclude any SPACE FORCE activities, like not even mentioned even though the go to now. November 2021 | Die gesamte Größe beträgt 1118 × 853 Pixel NASA Future Warfare 2025 (1) NASA Future Warfare 2025 (3) … November 10, 2021, 8:43 AM. A major piece of political policy, it is big on ambition – and unlike many previous government statements, it sets out specific aims and objectives. search for nasa document: Future strategic issues/future warfare [circa 2025] Dennis M Bushnell Chief Scientist NASA Langley Research Center. Presentation dealing with future strategic issues on future warfare. In-amongst the puffery are pledges to invest in technology research – including the use of AI in cybersecurity. EU to aim for rapid deployment force without US assets by 2025, document says. 10 Dec 2021. On Tuesday, Nov. 9, 2021, NASA announced it is delaying putting astronauts back on the moon until 2025 at the earliest. In August, NASA's inspector general announced that because of several factors, the updated spacesuits wouldn't be ready until April of 2025. This document is uncontrolled when printed. Artificial intelligence, Transhumanism, Geoengineering, Nanotechnology, Genetic engineering, … Miercuri, 10 noiembrie 2021, 8:45 Science - Spatiul. It was presented in July of 2001. Link to document and further information, http://www.stopthecrime.net/nasa.htmlmirrored From here, https://brandnewtube.com/v/EZbHz8 Given these anticipated delays in spacesuit development, a lunar landing in late 2024 as NASA currently plans is not feasible. April 2025 at the earliest. The text on each page stating "Future Strategic Issues, 7/01" within the above PDF refers to the document's finalization date of July 2001. Which is what, exactly? It's already very outdated, but in a way, an acknowledgement of what the future holds, and how DoD is preparing for it. SUBJECT: Document Preparation, Numbering, and Management Document History Log Status/Change/ Revision Change Date Originator/ Phone Description Basic 09/15/2000 Jimmie Raymond, x3529 Initial Release – Note issued as SPG 1400.1 Basic 10/01/2004 Renay Nelson, x1585 Revalidated per NASA rules review Oct. 2004. NASA pushes back crewed moon landing to 2025. This interview with Deborah Tavares is the companion to the document below, which is a NASA War document that was found on the NASA website. Secrets NASA keeps from us: 1. How to get the good parking spaces near the VAB. 2. Which snacks, provided outside mission control for the ISS, are... Really Scary Stuff considering the turn our country has taken. – Ongoing Worldwide Technological Revolutions. This document was offered as a presentation in July of 2001. comply with the Fastener Integrity Requirements document, 541-PG-8072.1.2. NASA pushes back time frame for human moon mission to 2025 NASA is extending its target date for sending astronauts back to the moon to 2025 at the earliest, the U.S. space agency's chief said on Tuesday, stretching out by at least a year the timeline pronounced under former President Donald Trump. Updated: NOVEMBER 9, 2021 23:48. NASA - Future Of War CIRCA 2025.pdf - Google Drive. Real Pictures What Did NASA Photograph On Jupiter? Future Strategic Issues/Future Warfare [Circa 2025] Capabilities of the “Enemy After Next”. This interview with Deborah Tavares is the companion to the document below, which is a NASA War document that was found on the NASA website. Might be useful to add Deborah Tavares to the title so it's search-able that way. Once again, this was largely forgotten in the fallout of 9/11 which spawned hundreds of conspiracy theories from both the public and the U.S. government as well. ‘The NASA War Document’ is titled ‘Future Strategic Issues/Future Warfare’ for the era of 2025 and beyond. https://leadstories.com/hoax-alert/2021/06/fact-check-the-future-is-now-is-not-a- Search for it, and you will many similar books and documents. The European Union is contemplating a joint army drive of as much as 5,000 troops by 2025 to intervene in a spread of crises and with out counting on the US, in accordance with a draft plan. The new schedule adds at … 0 0. The White House wants to turn the International Space Station into a commercially run venture after 2024, according to an internal NASA document. Close. A- the NASA documents in question have been debunked already, modern terms and symbols, etc. NASA will not send astronauts to the moon until 2025 at the earliest, the US space agency's administrator said … The NASA Announcement concerning this amendment can be found in the GDC Announcements page. NASA has accepted 360 people into its astronaut corps since the original Mercury Seven in 1959. Check the NASA Online Directives Information System (NODIS) Library to verify that this is the correct version before use: https://nodis3.gsfc.nasa.gov. Archived. NASA Organization: NASA; NASA Office or Division: Office of Safety and Mission Assurance; Document Scope: This document establishes minimum requirements for supply chain risk management, procurement, receiving inspection, testing, traceability management, and storage practices for fasteners used in NASA mission hardware. Hey guys I came across this today - there's a older woman claiming this document was found on the NASA website but that they've pulled it since publishing. The year of the planned establishment of the New World Order (NWO). 3 billion is a 2. Through technology, NASA and several other organizations have planned, prepared, and predicted certain events that might take place by the year 2025. 0 0. Today's strategy document runs between now and 2025. The interviewee's wife … by ”But they also know there is hope for mankind in According to NASA documents leaked to a stunned. It apparently discloses a Nasa Document "The End Of Mankind" by two individuals I havent heard of before - Deborah Tavares and Trevor Coppolo. Posted by u/[deleted] 7 years ago. NASA: The End Of Mankind "Leaked Document" 2013. And it does not contain anything like what she thinks it does. He specifically cited delays in development of the Orion crew capsule and the Human Landing System. Chemtrails, GMO food, poisoned water, EMP weapons, Microwave weapons, etc etc. Excipient Table 2 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. NASA has announced a delay in putting astronauts back on the moon until 2025 at the earliest, missing the deadline set by the Trump administration. It's a future warfare document with lots of bio/nano-tech info. The general theme running through these theories is either that there is an imminent plan to reduce population using an overpopulation crisis as the pretext, or a secret eugenics plan cover-up. Self interest is a powerful motivator, which is exactly why NASA has maintained the government's desire for secrecy. If NASA wants government fundi... NASA says it can’t put the first person of color on the moon until at least 2025 NASA's leaders say an overly aggressive timeline from the Trump administration and a legal fight over a contract are two reasons why it's altering plans for the Artemis lunar program. On November 15th, NASA’s Office of the Inspector General released an audit of the space agency’s Artemis program, which aims to send … Some have seen these three documents as examples of 4th generation asymmetric warfare. The phrase "Enemy After Next", is a good key phrase for this kind of thing. This document defines the practices for acquisition, control, and inspection of fasteners depending on the criticality of the fastener. I discovered today this video about a document that NASA allegedly put out called "Future Strategic Issues/Warfare (Circa 2025)". NASA pushes back time frame for human moon mission to 2025. Leaked NASA document unveils the New World Orders' hellish plan to enslave and depopulate the Earth. a. NPD 7120.4, NASA Engineering and Program/Project Management Policy . NASA pushes back time frame for human moon mission to 2025 NASA is extending its target date for sending astronauts back to the moon to 2025 at the earliest, the U.S. space agency's chief said on Tuesday, stretching out by at least a year the timeline pronounced under former President Donald Trump. NASA spune că oamenii nu vor reveni pe Lună mai repede de 2025. de Vlad Barza HotNews.ro. NASA War Document "The Future Is Now". It is a PowerPoint presentation by Dennis M. Bushnell, the Chief NASA scientist at the NASA Langley Research Center. NASA’s Center of Excellence for Collaborative Innovation and the Harvard-NASA Tournament Lab - The Future Is Now: Challenge-Driven Open Innovation in the Federal Government. NASA's next moon mission delayed until at least 2025. NASA's war document (for circa 2025...?) NASA Langley Research Center. – Economic Trends. Global. Forecasting. NASA FY 2022 Budget Request, released May 28, 2021. NASA admite, prin vocea administratorului Bill Nelson, că ținta de a readuce oameni pe Lună în 2024 nu este fezabilă din cauza întârzierilor acumulate de programul Artemis. 541-PG-8072.1.2 categorizes fasteners as critical, controlled, or non-controlled fasteners. Once again, this was largely forgotten in the fallout of 9/11 which spawned hundreds of … Future Strategic Issues/Future Warfare (Circa 2025) THE FUTURE IS NOW! November 26, 2021. c. NID 1600.55, Sensitive But Unclassified (SBU) Controlled Information . Will believe you so create a safe and engaging place for users to connect over interests and passions not.... Enemy After Next '', is a very old document ( for Circa 2025 ] of. Always make sure that writers follow all your instructions precisely //www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/thread956071/pg1 '' > NASA < /a > NASA back... Their memories `` War stories. /a > the “ NASA War PLAN with Future Strategic Warfare... 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Make sure that writers follow all your instructions precisely to create a newspaper to gain credibi 1967 ) question been!