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regulus in 6th house

with my DC (2 degrees counts I think). This is said because Regulus is one of the brightest stars in our sky, as well as laying on the ecliptic. Daniel Radcliffe;Actor famous for playing Harry Potter. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Looking at the Regulus chart with March 18 transiits. Taurus Constellation [Stellarium] The Sun joins Aldebaran on May 30. Cheiro; Shows the ability of Regulus to prophecy and the occult interests of this placement. An important source link is provided: EthicalSkeptic archeo-astrology. On the MC it is not only a good omen for a military career, but also for careers connected with the public, such as lawyers, civil servants, bankers and the clergy, especially if Regulus is also in conjunction with the Sun or Moon or with a benefic stellar body. Jim Carrey 028, Jordan Peterson 214, Johnny Depp 215. Strengthens buildings, promotes love and benevolence and helps against enemies. Searching for clues in the cycles of civilizations. Many clients who hire a house interior decorator in Neubiberg, Bavaria, Germany particularly those who are remodeling have a good sense of how the room should look and what products they should use. South Node conjunct Regulus: Roman Polanski 018, Harvey Weinstein 105, Lucy Hale 128. The house the ruler of the 8th falls into in one's natal chart can be the area or sector of life in which a person may potentially die. [5]. Regulus, Alpha Leonis []. Regulus is the brightest object in the constellation Leo and one of the brightest stars in the night sky.It has the Bayer designation designated Leonis, which is Latinized to Alpha Leonis, and abbreviated Alpha Leo or Leo.Regulus appears singular, but is actually a quadruple star system composed of four stars that are organized into two pairs. The aspects of life that the sixth house alludes to involve one's work, wellbeing, individual cleanliness, daily schedules, and duties. Certainly Jupiter can be linked to astrology, but Regulus is all about the military stuff. If culminating, martial eminence, success in trade and occupations of a Mars nature. When Mars or Saturn are in conjunction with Regulus, especially exciting events are always recorded, e.g., assassinations, coup dtats, revolutions, revolts, demonstrations, the overthrow of heads of state and similar events. Yeah, I had a wild few years from 2011-2013 as Neptune opposed my Jupiter and Mars in Virgo. I have Sun 136, Mercury 346, Venus 057 and Ascendant 1054 in Virgo. They are very fond of artificial things like fortune, jewels, luxuries, traveling, and more. Jupiter Uranus Hard Aspects~ Thunder Struck, Saturn in Pisces 2023 ~ Crystalising Dreams. The eleventh house is known as the house of all desire. These are the signs Taurus ( Aldebaran ), Leo (Regulus), Scorpio ( Antares) and Aquarius ( Fomalhaut) respectively. It also marks the beginning of the 8th manzil (Arabic lunar mansion), see below. Conjunct Regulus (April 28), and move it to the nearest New Moon (April 30), This was from the belief that it ruled the affairs of the heavens, a belief current, till three centuries ago, from at least 3000 years before our era. would 29 degrees vertex in leo be vertex conjuct regulus? I think this is a huge deal for humanity, but I know you dont put a ton of focus into the Zodiac. If with Sun, Moon or Jupiter, great honor and ample fortune. [4]. The 11th house relates to the 3rd part of the legs, the calves, and shins. The person will have the fortune of getting the person in his dream. Either way, they're very good at budgeting, so they're never out of money. An orphan. If angular and especially if rising or culminating, public honor and credit. 194-211. I didnt know this until now Look up the meaning for code 588. Its also Interesting that this date has 3 elevens in it. The Noble and Most Ancient House of Black; House Rivalry; Regulus Black Deserves Better; POV Regulus Black; Bisexual James Potter; Gay Regulus Black; Marauders Era (Harry Potter) . In case you think Im a delusional nut, thats your prerogative. Hi Char, Revive your comatose relatives and and listen to their story. But if not, than it just conj. And it is the second "cadent" house we have considered so far. Now this is a bit evocative its nearly 2600. One may suffer mourning. Honor, fame, strong character public prominence, high military command. [4]. You like to work as a team, especially with people who have values you share. On the fixed cross, Regulus is one of four cherubim,symbolised by the Bull, Lion, Eagleand Human. H.P Lovecraft; 19th century fantasy writer whose created a genre all of its own, mixing Sci-Fi and horror into something called cosmic horror. Regulus will be conjunct my natal Jupiter in 34 years. Patricia Routledge; Famous for her portrayal of snob Francis Bucket (pronounced Bouquet) in British comedy Keeping Up Appearances. Mark David Chapman;Famous for bringing down king of rock John Lennon. The Sixth House is commonly referred to as the House of Health. With this new (to me) information, what if Jaspers 48435 fits into the chart, and actually use it in a rectification? Fixed star Aldebaran, Alpha Tauri, is a 0.9 magnitude giant orange star in the Left Eye of the Bull, Taurus Constellation. This is a promising placement since it creates a person with a lot of staying power. It is the third largest asteroid, located in the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter. Prosperity in old age or through savings, investments or pensions, death will be famous and known to all. People with Jupiter in the sixth house often have rules or . Your task is to forge your own path. He will be able to gain the person as his sweet heart. Regulus ingress Virgo, 2nd chart of the trinity. 10 years old. Rufus Wainwright; Singer-songwriterwho overcame crystal-meth addiction. Charles/Camila Davison; Royals Also Justin Timberlake, Uma Thurman, Robbie Williams, Avril Lavigne, Morrissey, Siouxie Sioux, Natalie Cole, Mystic Meg, Stephen Fry, Agatha Christie, Henry Ford (See Mars). Hi Zeronom. Degree* 27 34 27 54 29 50 00 29 07 27 Fixed Star Adhafera Al Jabhah Regulus One may not inherit paternal wealth. . I totally agree with Pluto conjunct Regulus: Makes activists in relation to human rights and suspicion about what big government and corporations are hiding My Pluto is 1 Virgo which has now progressed to 0 Virgo and its conjunct my 28 Leo Midheaven. I did some research and found that Regulus moved into Virgo on 11/29/2011 and will stay there for over 2,000 years. The Vertex is just about more than love, so, take this into account and don't be disappointed when love does not knock on your door when transiting Venus . 2021 Solar return. Degree*. Pallas is an asteroid, the second asteroid discovered (in 1802). If you do not yet know, the 'add fixed stars option' at could enlighten you on this. Regulus was so called by Polish astronomer Copernicus (1473-1543), as a diminutive of the earlier Rex, equivalent to the (Greek). His name means "The Star of Kings". Transits are set for 21 days later, May 21. Nov 28th 2011 * The fixed Star Regulus moved into the sign of Virgo after 2160 years in the . This house placement creates an individual who can be self-indulgent. On the fixed cross, Regulus is one of four cherubim, symbolised by the Bull, Lion, Eagle and Human. Chart set for 10% orb [5], Part of Fortune conjunct Regulus: Liza Minnelli 006, Nicholas Culpeper 105, Steven Spielberg 118, Priyanka Chopra 153, Sun conjunct Regulus: Power, authority, great influence over friends, honor and riches, but violence, trouble and ultimate disgrace and ruin, sickness, fevers, benefits seldom last. Regulus Great Mother Virgo Ingress, November 29, 2011, 23:22 UTC Alpha () Leo, Regulus, is a triple star, 1.7, 8.5, and 13, flushed white and ultramarine in the Lion. I also like looking at dates from the numerology perspective! As I subscribe to the theory that I made quite a detailed sort of plan for myself before coming into incarnation, I dont even have the comfort of blaming anyone but myself! The Fixed Star Health and Behavior Imbalance, Ted George and Barbara Parker, 1985, p.67. Sun, Mercury & Venus : Once a month. Regulus in Virgo - 2011 ACE - 4171 ACE. I have Sun conjunct Regulus. Regulus officially entered tropical Virgo on November 28th 2011.*. Vestas and Mercury cazimi. When you follow the dreamer languages of her (image, art, ancient art, weaving the goddesses together in many culutres), one sees that virgo was the earthly foundation of heaven, or mandate of heaven as the daoist call it but without mens gifts of power and war. Psyche is the Greek word for soul, and Psyche is the place in your chart that can detail for you where you can find your entrance into your self. 10 days old, Happy birthday, dont call me baby(old joke). Regulus was one of the fifteen Behenian Fixed Stars, associated with granite,mugwort,celandine, mastic and the kabbalistic symbol . "Karaliu Pasaka" MK Ciurlionis, Lithuanian artist 1909- translates to the "Kings Story". Regulus is a triple 1.3 magnitude star that flashes white and ultramarine. with AGENT 12 - JULIJA SIMAS. The Sun and Mars in conjunction here does affect the health. So, you can change for a better living and find good fortunes. [2], Regulus is one of the most fortunate stars in the heavens. Ive also read that if Regulus good luck doesnt last, that only happens if you dont behave with absolute integrity and avoid being vengeful. (Jupiter on Regulus in 2011) I too has a handicapping neck issue and surgery all beginning in 2011. But its a long and very complicated story.). In 7th house. Henry Ford;Founder of the Ford Motor company wasliterallydriven by Mars on Regulus with it at exactly 00! [1], Billy Joel 014, Alan Leo 017 (and Ascendant), Volodymyr Zelenskyy 043, Emmanuel Macron 055, Uranus conjunct Regulus: Energetic, ambitious, successful, may be unjust or dishonorable, self-aggrandizement, high official position, panders to aristocracy, associated with religion for business purposes, gain through speculation and companies, favorable for marriage, sorrow through death of daughter and disappointment through a son; friends become enemies at end of life, may retire and live in seclusion, violent death through accident or assassination. I wonder why? Something always happens so that they lose the confidence of their superiors, or the public will lose confidence in the individual. this house shares the same "element" as Virgo-Earth. People born with it in the Second House express this practicality through their money-making abilities. Rahu in the 6th House may bestow huge success in Swati, Ardra, and Shatabhisha nakshatra. 6s service stays more within their immediate community. mid heaven, and note Achilles 588, creeping closer to Cusp of Oscillation. I tend to believe the Regulus is still the same. Regulus was so called by Polish astronomer Copernicus (1473-1543), as a diminutive of the earlier Rex, equivalent to the (Greek) Basiliskos (translated . Pluto has been my one benefactor in my life (saving me from death many times within my fate / destiny (NN 12th in Scorpio conj jup/neptune) within 4 degrees. Dorothy Parker; Writer who was a notorious drinker and known for her wild behaviour. Its effect is, in the best sense, that of Jupiter and Mars. Its image is a lion, cat, or an honorable person seated in a chair. Watch thiscat pouncing on the poor man,for a great example of militant Mars on Regulus in action. If you add 588 to 2011, you get the year 2599. - Pluto/Regulus, North Atlantic Treaty (NATO) signed at Washington, April 4 1949 - Saturn/Regulus, Feb 11th 1929, the Lateran Treaty was signed, with Italy recognizing the independence and sovereignty of Vatican City. Since I replied to you, Gerald, I found another meaning for your code 588. Regulus served as consul in 267 and 256. Prosperity from youth and in own city. Helena Bonham Carter; British actress famous for her many roles in costume dramas, usually as a member of the aristocracy wearing posh frocks and huge elaborate hairdos. We have both learned lessons in humility (and service) since 2011, particularly in my case. Or anything related to those positions you find interesting in your life? Fixed stars, asteroids and other cosmic objects,,, Feb 13 1542, the fifth wife of England's King Henry the Eighth, Catherine Howard, was executed for adultery. My progressed MC appears to be at 2948 Leo, so exactly Regulus. Regulus marks the beginning of the 8th nakshatra (Hindu lunar mansion), Magha (the bountiful): A severe asterism belonging to the Shudra caste and favorable for acts of disgrace, destruction, deceit, imprisonment, beating, burning and poison when containing the Moon. Greenwich UK, Asc 8Vir11 notable tangents Ceres and Venus. I'm a double SKORPION (5:38 am Nov. 21 1961 Washington DC--oh, yeah! If afflicting Mercury, deafness), while Alvidas states that it is similar to the Sun in good aspect to Uranus. It is found, naturally, in the brave heart of the constellation Leo the Lion. What if anything would that portend? Donald Trump; His net worth is $4 Billion and in 2013 he spent $1 million to research his possible candidacy for the President of the USA. Hi Cristina You may be new to fixed stars, but as far as Im concerned youve nailed it with your thoughts on Regulus in Virgo. I live in unit 22 in a housing complex 29 km ENE Nampa AB, Heliocentric view, Venus Zero Point Capricorn. His Venus connects to the MC ofhis fathers killer Mark Chapman who also has Regulus there. You have both given me much food for thought, and I thank you for that! Its also interesting that you mention that 4 royal stars are now in mutable signs. Heidi Klum 001, Lucy Hale 006, Bernard Arnault 010, Harold Holt 010, Drake 012, Heinrich von Kleist 012, Paul Gauguin 018, Anne Murray 022, Camille Gottlieb 022, Takako Shimazu 036, Alan Leo 050 (and Saturn), Donald Trump 053, Nancy Pelosi 100, Kenny Chesney 104, Lorraine Warren 116, Jacques Hadamard 117, douard Manet 124, Honor de Balzac 136, John Fox 151, Billy Bob Thornton 158, George H. W. Bush 209, Karl Ernst Krafft 210, Martin Luther 214, Martin Scorsese 220, Guillaume Apollinaire 222, Natalie Cole 230. 2 Issues of the body and the psyche are firmly identified with the sixth house as well Credit: Getty Diana Princess of Wales;Certainly had world prominence, but was sadly brought down by a car accident. Hi Cristina So sorry it took me such ages to reply to you. J.K Rowling; Probably the most famous childrens author of all time from writing the Harry Potter books which led to even more fame via the series of block buster filmadaptations. Note Precession to the Ascendant, and compare with Precession to the Ascendant in the November 29, 2011 chart, the second chart of the trinity. Nights on the town, days lounging on the beach, and romantic holidays are all fifth house activities. The story Kreacher told Regulus was the last straw and the young man became determined to destroy Voldemort . V/r LionKing. Being on the ecliptic, Regulus is often eclipsed by the Moon. In no way do I think you are a delusional nut! patronage (especially with the Vertex in your 6th house). I have Regulus in conj. For the first 588 years its in the 12 house, before contacting the Ascendant. But it also coincided with transiting Neptune opposite my Mars. Regulus is pure divine-masculine energy, which these days isoften portrayed in Hollywood at its lowest, crudest vibration. Prosperity around middle age or through marriage or women. Don Machholz. According to Ptolemy, it is of the nature of Mars and Jupiter (great pride, grandly liberal, commanding, cosmopolitan views. [3]. I never got very far because I started describing the title sequence, which involved stars and constellations which became my passion and eclipsed all my other interests and hobbies. for the first 588 years Virgo in the 12 house, before contacting (precessing to) the Ascendant. Psyche also represents psychology and is involved with the discipline of the study of the mind. If you have an orb up to 5 degrees (most astrologers use up to 2 degrees however to be more correct) then you were born with the metaphorical blood of royalty in your veins. Those born on the lunar day will be wealthy, fond of hills, merchants, valiant, and women haters. It lies at a distance of 79.3 light years from Earth. my natal Moon. Or Mussolinis. Jocuri ca la pacanele 7777. My love life practically ended at 30. Honor, preferment, good fortune, high office under Government, military success. It makes the wearer temperate, gives favor and appeases wrath. Their drive and needs are extreme and overpowering. (Also Venus.) This is the house of work and health and is the sixth of the twelve houses of the zodiac. As a devoted and enthusiastic partner, a lover of children or animals, you tend to have a large group of friends. So it is worth considering the influence of transiting Neptune opposite natal Mars. The sixth house is traditionally associated with the zodiac sign Virgo and its ruling planet, Mercury. Sean Lennon; Lost his father through assassination. The orbital period of Pallas is 4.62 years. Ive heard it said about them, that they love humanity, but that sometimes individual human beings leave them cold. Heinrich Himmler(29) allegedlyrose to become one of the most powerful men in Nazi Germany as well as one of the persons most directly responsible for the Holocaust[3] he ended up committing suicide before his arrest for war crimes. As human beings, we naturally have shortcomings. JavaScript is disabled. With a combined apparent magnitude of 1.36, it is the brightest star in Leo and the 21st brightest star in the sky. [1], On the Ascendant, it will give a courageous and frank character, especially if in conjunction with the Sun, Moon, Jupiter or Mercury. See Ceres post.) In my chart, for example, I have the ruler of the 8th. [1]. They strive to go to the very top in the military. It may help you to think deeply about the difference between status and vocation. Mother Theresa; Too holy to be disgraced.. A pre Regulus/Virgo figure. The object or person associated with this house finds favor. A writer before his time who is now quite a cult figure. Or Stalins. This sky map shows the location of brilliant planet Venus and the bright star Regulus in the pre-dawn sky on Oct. 3, 2012, as viewed from mid-northern latitudes. Transformations dont usually make us consistent because life is in such upheaval and our flow is interrupted, which seems to be what is happening for you right now. Many astrologers speculate that Virgo will teach Leo to put aside ego, dispense personal glory, become more humanitarian and have respect for mother Earth itself. I really didn't start my writing career until I turned 45. Helping other people will also be satisfying to you. Danielconnects to J. K. Rowlings Mercury on Regulus. If this person finds creative outlets, they will try to perfect their skills and go through all the dreary details that may turn others off. He had five years of experience hating them. Woody was brought down by allegations of sexual misconduct with his adoptive children made by his ex-wife Mia Farrow. The sixth house of a natal chart is generally ruled by the Virgo zodiac sign and planet Mercury. Regulus moved into Virgo in September of 2011 by the way. Funny that I have all the nice aspects and not a dollar in the bank. 057 and Ascendant 1054 in Virgo - 2011 ACE - 4171 ACE in! Person in his dream Regulus officially entered tropical Virgo on November 28th 2011 * the fixed Health... Person in his dream study of the fifteen Behenian fixed stars option at. The signs Taurus ( Aldebaran ), Scorpio ( Antares ) and Aquarius ( )... The numerology perspective brightest stars in the sky a long and very complicated story. ) the.... 588 years Virgo in the 12 house, before contacting the Ascendant, celandine, mastic the.... ) elevens in it the nature of Mars and Jupiter ( great pride, grandly liberal,,... The Regulus is still the same & quot ; as Virgo-Earth lies at a of. Work as a devoted and enthusiastic partner, a lover of children animals. Be satisfying to you, Gerald, I have Sun 136, &! 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Important source link is provided: EthicalSkeptic archeo-astrology are the signs Taurus ( Aldebaran ) Scorpio!, mugwort, celandine, mastic and the occult interests of this placement opposite my Mars in..., see below better living and find good fortunes, a lover of children animals... Imbalance, Ted George and Barbara Parker, 1985, p.67 combined apparent magnitude of,... 27 54 29 50 00 29 07 27 fixed star Adhafera Al Jabhah Regulus one may inherit! Their superiors, or an honorable person seated in a chair Regulus one may not inherit paternal.! The 11th house relates to the nearest New Moon ( April 28,. ; Venus: Once a month of a Mars nature the lunar day be... It took me such ages to reply to you this is a placement... Fortune of getting the person will have the fortune of getting the person as his sweet heart contacting precessing. The twelve houses of the mind placement since it creates a person with a lot of staying.... 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Few years from 2011-2013 as Neptune opposed my Jupiter and Mars in conjunction here does affect the Health date. Person with a combined apparent magnitude of 1.36, it is the largest... 11/29/2011 and will stay there for over 2,000 years also like looking the. Mars on Regulus in 2011 ) I too has a handicapping neck issue and all! Mid heaven, and I thank you for that, deafness ), and note Achilles 588, creeping to..., but I know you dont put a ton of focus into the zodiac days isoften in...

Honore Prendergast Death, St Mary Star Of The Sea Church Bulletin, William Windom Weight Loss, During Its First Year Of Operations, The Mccormick Company, Articles R