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allison collins daughter of allen collins

More black men abandon their kids or dont marry before the kid is born. But the fact remainsCollins wants to punish the people who did qualify based on merit. People dont want to just win an argument. Academia is only going to get mileage in certain areas, and many times it is not applicable to real-life situations. Its obvious the many millions of successful African Americans became so through hard work and wise decision making. Many whites are suffering also, mostly due to poor choices and behavior. Minority businesses in big cities thrived. Listen to the whole speech on YouTube if you have half an hour. We are finally in a climate where more of the mainstream is actually (supposedly) listening to Black voices. It is true there has been the most systematic racism towards communities of color and no matter how hard they worked, sometimes because of circumstances it just wasnt enough. Jim Ausman; Oh, please enlighten us, the clueless readers. If shes not racist, I dont know who is. You can be successful if you work hard. Learn to live with empathy and compassion. Many immigrants have worked harder than average and thrived. And studying hard to get ahead in society is not white supremacist thinking. We need to move away from Collins way of thinking. Aside from the most unredeemably racist name changes, weve seen Collins focused on therapy for SFUSD students, to signal Board support and shield them from pain, but which does little to stop the reproduction of white supremacy. 12. WebHigherDose Infrared Sauna Founders Commercialize Stackable Beauty and Wellness Tech. Damn H, dropping the n-word and then telling Collins you go, girl. Savage. Like something out of a Hollywood parody about hillbullies. To relegate that as just being a group to taunt, be more like, call a wedge, and continue to make fun of here knowing all of this is so heartbreaking and damaging to the community. I know for a fact that there is the lack of support from school administrators and teachers to promote Black student achievement compared to other races. The accident unfortunately led to an abrupt end to the 1970s era of Skynyrd. Masterful. His oldest daughter is Amie Collins who was born in 1971. What a disgraceful, offensive, and pathetic woman. I was less referring to Zhaos position than I was pointing out that elected officials, including Breed and Wiener, were steadfast in their support of her. We have to understand the contextcalling someone a house n for doing well in school and getting in to lowell and then to UC and then getting a great job is a gross distortion of what malcolm x was talking about(because he was speaking specifically about blacks).using the model minority concept and equating it to house ns makes sense only if you feel all minorities must side with certain political and racial ideologies.her entire folly is to assume that asian people must submit and further woke agendas, and if they dont they are siding with white supremacy.Malcolm spoke in the context of independence not in the forced integration and forced equity that the woke mob intends to imposethe collective freakout the bay had because of trump is not an excuse, forced solidarity is not true solidarity.blaming those that mastered the system as siding with the supposed master, and subsequently complicit in the oppression of others is a truely distorted sense of reality.inequity does not racism make just because your woke guru said so. We belonged here! Donald Trump, whose been the embodiment of the American work ethic for decades, calls them losers to which they should be summarily fired. If I study hard to get ahead, Im using white supremist thinking? Parents want kids to excel. She married Vernon Eugene Allen in 1970. We have 10 people who want to live in housing that would go for 3000 a month on the free market, so we should say, we dont require money, but you have to be willing to sacrifice, assimilate, attend tutoring and do everything you can to break the cycle of poverty or someone else can live in your highly desirable public housing. Despite no training aside from a few tips from his step-mother and friend, Allen picked up the guitar easily and quickly formed his first band -- The Mods. Sure, if you consider toddler-level illogic and implicitly racist theories scholarship, then, yes, our best and brightest are on the case. That said, I still cannot wrap my head around the belief of removing the merit system or teaching that wanting to work hard and persevere is succumbing to a White Supremacy belief and condemning entire communities for it. Its a crisis and claiming merit is racist does nothing to solve it. Casting hateful racist language at an entire group does. Ask most Asian American families who fit this scenario one question. When conservatives play race politics, they do so awkwardly and clumsily. Dont be so lazy. If you are Black or Latino, you are guaranteed to NEVER pass your 6 month probation as you are looked at as not qualified in the first place, uneducated, a liar and a thief. Her quotes are consistent with her actions and things shes said to Victor and I at several events when we supported 8th grade algebra. You are as much if a white supremacist as Trumps followers, except they come in wolfs clothing. Using Asians as a punching bag is accepted, because they are the perpetual other a group that does not speak up. Theres no such thing as white people. I will tell all of you defending Collins trying to educate your beliefs: you should all be ashamed for hiding behind a progressive idealism but tearing people apart with your divisive words and behavior. My opinion is it does more harm to my community as it allows for mediocrity and leaves my community less informed, less educated, and not able to elevate themselves without some kind of outside assistance. And that definitely happened here. My comment never claimed they werent, nor that they didnt. You may also have read his work in the Guardian (U.S. and U.K.); San Francisco Public Press; San Francisco Chronicle; San Francisco Examiner; Dallas Morning News; and elsewhere. Even explaining this, she was called racist. 4. His license was suspended for driving under the influence several times before it was outright revoked for good, but that didn't stop the former Lynyrd Skynyrd guitarist from getting behind the wheel after knocking back a few. Together. Why hasnt Zhou been made or voted to be removed from her city position? East and South Asians benefited (and continue to benefit) tremendously from their fight unencumbered by the crippling poverty, the over-policing and the stigma of being Black. Collins and Lopez destroyed what families had worked thousands of hours to earn, for everyone, out of spite for those who work hard, out of a belief all minorities shouldnt try to assimilate and learn but instead should work together to create a socialist utopia. Those of us who are Asian/Pacific Islander ask that our pain not be used as a wedge to further harm or pit API and Black communities against each other by a racist recall effort. asian american legal refugee, Joe was born in San Francisco, raised in the Bay Area, and attended U.C. Well I walk in and I'm introduced to Amie--Allen Collin's first born. We are to be judged on the content of our character. Maybe no English speaking guardians that could help with reading? beaten? If she wanted to walk me through it or walk anyone through it, the chance was there. We need advocates for our kids and not someone whos devoted to scapegoating others. None of us spoke out against Trump? It is true, we do NOT see Asian children in immigration dog cages and ripped away from their parents. Here's a little bit about the tragic life of Lynyrd Skynyrd guitarist and founding member Allen Collins. I dont think you would agree either. The school named after her is on the list of the 44 schools to be renamed. She is basically implying an Asian American who owns a nice home and has a high income and net worth is still, because of a hidden white supremacist subculture no one discusses, beneath a white child in a rural setting with a single mother on fentanyl, meth or heroin, in public housing, on 3 generations of welfare, without a father, getting poor grades and facing a life of poverty. Times were very difficult since Allen's musical career barely brought in enough to support the young family. Nope. And she did not say all Asians. Its a number of assumptions and expectations that people have towards Asians. 1. But even if false, the idea is obviously not *crazy* on its face, and Lowell stans need to stop dismissing the idea out of hand without even engaging with the facts of student outcomes across the entire district. In 600, Wu Zetian, Tang Dynasty Empress, expanded use of the civil service exam to improve her bureaucracy. Yes, while Asians are only 2 out of 5 students in the district, Lowell is almost 3/5 Asian American. Black kids study less than whites, are 4 years behind in reading by 12th grade, 5 behind Asians, and parents are less likely to teach the kids to read. The far left keeps saying people who want merit think blacks arent smart or cant learn. Thats factual diligence. To add insult to injury she states that she knows Asian culture because her kids went to an Asian school. And if I then doubled down again and again that I was Very Accomplished and that I Worked Very Hard and Humbly to be a leader in my field and that my Ph.D. in Ethnic Studies entitled me to be taken very seriously about medicine, I would just sound like a clownish, arrogant, unbelievably lazy idiot. Collins and his new band were refreshed and ready to go on their debut tour, so they hit the road. Ask her to look around before she insults us again. Both my parents graduated from Lowell and went on to Berkeley. Shame on this racist sham Allison Collins! We need to focus on habits, not accusing others of racism. Nothing was taken out of context. MERs commentary (March 25, 2021 at 4:37 am) is spot on. Alison Collins wrote those tweets before she was on the school board, when her main job was activism. This is a status bestowed upon Asian-Americans in relation to African-Americans. Those on the field doing hard labor had it harder, but at the end of the day, they were all still slaves and the persons position in the home was tenuous. It doesnt mean that one side is right or wrong. She shouldnt use an anecdote to generalize a whole race. The Lowell hot mic incident back in October where she called those in attendance racist is just one of many examples where Collins has used inflammatory language. This is neither good nor pleasant company for Collins to find herself in. Asian Americans were indeed on Trumps list. WebBilly Powell, Amie Williamson, daughter of late guitarist Allen Collins (at podium), Judy Van Zant, widow of late singer Ronnie Van Zant (C) of Lynyrd Skynyrd, inductees, and This is bullshit.. Very cool even though I am not a huge fan of the band it was very cool. She has expressed anti-Asian sentiment to many times and never showed any curiosity as to how Asian Americans out-earn whites quickly, nor Nigerian Americans. Were all in this together but we no longer have the ability to discuss issues without hurt feelings, name calling and attempts to cancel each other. MB, you cant just get offended when anyone discusses work and accuse them of thinking blacks are lazy. I wonder why. This American work ethic is not simply a measure of personal will and action; on top of that, it is used to judge a persons character as good or bad. This city has been very unfair to minorities with the gentrification of many neighborhoods and the exuberant rents. A good thing for them, and a bad one for Lynyrd Skynyrd. So to the Asians that were able to rise above and make it into a merit based school, Alison Collins does NOT LIKE IT. Those who did speak with Collins told me the calls were one-sided and defensive and they were confused why they had to reach out to Collins and not vice-versa. thank you, MER, for your heartfelt, educated and eloquent 3/25 post. My parents immigrated here from China with very little money and yes, I studied my ass off unlike almost everyone else in my school. The rest of the world (I am European of Asian descent) is laughing that this debate is even happening in America. Collins herself sends her kids to Ruth Asawa SOTA, which also has selective admissions. Which hurts all kids. As we all know, and you wrote about so well, the list of 44 had some rather dubious additions. She served on the board from January 7, 2019 [2] until her recall election of somewhere that Amie is living in South Carolina, but no one seems Im by any measure very far left, but the fear for me was always that woke culture and was more performative than principled, and Collins pretty much personifies these fears. We see only Latinos and Afro Latinos, thats FOUL and DISGUSTING. In college, other students (rich white kids) called me and my fellow Asian friends grinds because we studied every day including weekends, and didnt party enough. Stop with the excuses. Great work, Joe. No, she shouldnt have to walk you through anything. We've recently sent you an authentication link. It is cowardly to make excuses She could use Twitter and other mediums in a positive and constructive way but she chooses not to. They just happened to be toasted sandwich loving kids. Kathy had a fatal haemorrhage during miscarriage of the couples third child in 1980. Collins thought she could pull a fast one during the pandemic and pull a fast one in the name of racial and social justice. So @blinkywhat is holding them back? She isnt sorry at all. Her inflammatory and divisive rhetoric is intentional. I want more black and Latino kids at Lowell. Your humble narrator was a writer and columnist for SF Weekly from 2007 to 2015, and a senior editor at San Francisco Magazine from 2015 to 2017. We will zap comments that fail to adhere to these short and very easy-to-follow rules. There is no way Collins can serve her constituency because shes showing that she doesnt see Asians a individuals but as a monolith. "Skynning" Europe alive. Its not okay for a black woman to put others down. Heres a good Twitter quote: These lawsuits make good news headlines but dont do anything to help us remove the barriers that are keeping schools from opening. Alison Collins. 10. Jesus; black people are not keeping you down; fuck. Collins, who was a private citizen in 2016, is entitled to think what she thinks and write what she writes. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Its a sacrifice. Geoffrey Canada says black kids and parents have to sacrifice as many hours as it takes. I saw emails. Im skeptical. Humility is important. Lily moved with her mother to LA at the age of five, after her parents split up. She is a disgraceful RACIST, and she needs to go. She make it clear some deserved help and others do not. Has Collins made one peep about that private school at taxpayers expense? It assumes the worst of whites, morally, and considers Asians to be suckers, manipulated by whites. Were the pasta kids PREVENTED from taking the opportunities offered to them in school? Asians are model minorities which is a euphemism for house negro. Get another line of work. She needs to resign and spend some time thinking about how her selfish and divisive political agenda has been so detrimental to the real work that the board needs to do especially in this time. Your grandstanding masks a contempt for the unwashed masses. I am joining the conversation many months late, but I want to remind everyone that harm to any one is harm to all. Thats the go-to solution with every mistake Youre fired! Sound familiar? White, Asian, Black or other. They worked thousands of hours and spend tens of thousands of dollars on tutoring, and spent time teaching their kids to read before kindergarten (60% of Asian American parents in California teach their kids to read before starting Kindergarten, compared to 16% of whites), made sure they read books every Summer, did workbooks and flashcards with them, read to them, met with teachers and made sure they did everything possible to get all As over other temptations. 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