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harry george philby

Following his debriefing in the US, Golitsyn was sent to SIS for further questioning. Her mood changed, though, with Stalins death in March 1953 and the prospect that the Soviet Union might now become a more open place. Source for information on Philby, Harry St. John Bridger: The Columbia . Change), You are commenting using your Twitter account. Maclean was unsure how to act, feeling a mixture of guilt and love, not knowing where he stood with the children he had abandoned and not been able to contact. He and Pukhova married in 1971, when he was 59 and she was 38. He was an agent-in-place or a penetration agent or a mole if you wish of the KGB/NKVD. In 1940 he was interviewed by MI5 officers in London, led by Jane Archer. Kim Philby, the most successful of the Cambridge spies, tried to drink himself to death in Moscow because he was disillusioned with communism and tortured by his own failings, his last wife has said in an interview. And here she was plunked down in my midst! Rate this book. [45] A leading figure within the CIA was Philby's wary former colleague, James Jesus Angleton, with whom he once again found himself working closely. [20] However, such an act was never a real possibility; upon debriefing Philby in London on 24 May 1937, Maly wrote to the NKVD, "Though devoted and ready to sacrifice himself, [Philby] does not possess the physical courage and other qualities necessary for this [assassination] attempt."[20]. Little Donald said perhaps he had gone to India because that would be a good place to hide.. Sister of Harold Adrian Russell "Kim" Philby; Diana Mary Bridger Philby and Helena Verna Philby. With the goal of potentially arranging Franco's assassination, Philby was instructed to report on vulnerable points in Franco's security and recommend ways to gain access to him and his staff. But it was resumed a few months later, when he received a letter from his father in Moscow. In fact, Philby and Maclean's fellow spy, Burgess, were intimate friends; tipped off by Philby, who organised their defection, they fled to Moscow. [58] He and Eleanor divorced and she departed Moscow in May 1965. [92] Melinda left Maclean and briefly lived with Philby in Moscow. [90] Aileen suffered from psychiatric problems, which grew more severe during the period of poverty and suspicion following the flight of Burgess and Maclean. Jun 27, 2019. [5], Kim Philby, memorandum in Security Service Archives (1963). In June 1934, Deutsch recruited him to the Soviet intelligence services. "Once, a big group of us were on a trip on the Volga: Kim and I and, of course, his KGB escort, and the escort's daughter. He was happy in Moscow and fulfilled by his work. While working as a senior member of British intelligence, he spied on behalf of the Soviet NKVD and KGB from the early 1930s until his defection. Rufina Pukhova, his Russian-Polish wife, said Philby struggled to control his drinking by downing only two glasses of cognac a night and then handing her the bottle to hide. His controller in Paris, the Latvian Ozolin-Haskins (code name Pierre), was shot in Moscow in 1937 during Joseph Stalin's Great Purge. . [48], Burgess's presence was awkward for Philby, yet it was potentially dangerous for Philby to leave him unsupervised. To order a copy for 15, visit mailshop.co.uk/ books or call 0844 571 0640. There, a tall man in a blue suit and red bow-tie held out his hand and said: I am Donald Maclean. With him in the room was Guy Burgess. Philby's work led to the deaths of dozens of British agents, making him a reviled traitor once he was exposed in Britain. "[23], Philby, "employed in a Department of the Foreign Office", was appointed an Officer of the Order of the British Empire (OBE) in 1946.[41]. You can give that to the International Organisation for Aid for Revolutionaries. We searched every corner until Kim suddenly struck himself on the head with his hand, went to a cupboard and brought back the boot. [11][pageneeded] After being evacuated from Boulogne on 21 May, he returned to France in mid-June and began representing The Daily Telegraph in addition to The Times. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your WordPress.com account. Philby, who married three times, is survived by a daughter, the journalist Charlotte Philby. [22][23], Alexander Orlov (born Lev Feldbin; code-name Swede), Philby's controller in Madrid, who had once met him in Perpignan, France, also defected. Following Eleanor's divorce, the couple married[58] in January 1959. The difference between the two concepts is important, as the information position of the two categories is rather different. Most infiltrators were caught by the Sigurimi, the Albanian Security Service. He was 65. That summer, friends thought her distracted. Philby replied that none had been sent and that none was undergoing training at that time. When Britain declared war on Germany in September 1939, Philby's contact with his Soviet controllers was lost and Philby failed to attend the meetings that were necessary for his work. Born in Ambala, Punjab, British India, Harold Adrian Russell Philby was the son of Dora Johnston and St John Philby, an author, Arabist and explorer. Turkish intelligence took them to a border crossing into Georgia but soon afterwards shots were heard. Macleans study resembled that of a Cambridge professor, with copies of Trollope, biographies of Gladstone and airmail editions of The Times. He briefly reported from Cherbourg and Brest, sailing for Plymouth less than 24 hours before France surrendered to Germany in June 1940. Wife of George Glen Carnegie Milne. Registered office: 1 London Bridge Street, SE1 9GF. She was an object of both pity and fascination, and to get away from it all, she moved from their house on the Kent-Surrey border to Switzerland, with her mother. Philby occupied himself by writing his memoirs, which were published in the UK in 1968 under the title My Silent War; they were not published in the Soviet Union until 1980. His drinking made him paranoid that his wife would abandon him. But, after a silence of nearly five years, here was the first actual sighting and confirmation that the runaways were alive. [40], A month later Igor Gouzenko, a cipher clerk in Ottawa, took political asylum in Canada and gave the Royal Canadian Mounted Police names of agents operating within the British Empire that were known to him. Garbo/Pujol of WW II fame was a double agent, i.e. [78][pageneeded] Philby was under virtual house arrest, guarded, with all visitors screened by the KGB. The first was ignored as a provocation, but the second, when this was confirmed by the Russo-German journalist and spy in Tokyo, Richard Sorge, contributed to Stalin's decision to begin transporting troops from the Far East in time for the counteroffensive around Moscow. For the Soviets, Philby was an invaluable asset, ensuring the correct use of idiomatic and diplomatic English phrases in their disinformation efforts. His mother resented Burgess and his close relationship with her husband, and began staging accidents to claim attention; she reported being mugged in her car; on another occasion she set fire to the living room, suffering serious burns. Jubilee Statistical Yearbook]", "The national economy of the USSR for 70 years. Philby told the British, after a direct question to Franco, that German troops would never be permitted to cross Spain to attack Gibraltar. Johnson was killed outright, and Neil and Sheepshanks soon died of their injuries. Then, with no more information to be had, the story of the Macleans went dead. But unlike his notorious father, who was hailed a hero in the Soviet Union and buried with full honours, Philby jnr led a low-profile life, and ran his own successful joinery business from a workshop near King's Cross in north London. In the capital, he became a magazine correspondent, then a teacher and analyst in a research institute for foreign and economic affairs. In 1968, she returned to Maclean. Golitsyn offered the CIA revelations of Soviet agents within American and British intelligence services. In late summer 1943, the SIS provided the GRU an official report on the activities of German agents in Bulgaria and Romania, soon to be liberated by the Soviet Union. The news that Philby, a former MI6 officer, had been spying for the Russians since 1933 sounded an alarm in Whitehall. [31], Philby's role as an instructor of sabotage agents again brought him to the attention of the Soviet Joint State Political Directorate (OGPU). [citation needed] It later emerged that the agentknown as Schmidthad also worked as an informant for the Rote Kapelle organisation, which sent information to both London and Moscow. By the time she left Russia, Maclean was in his final decline, in and out of hospital with cancer from his lifetime of smoking. "[69] Prompted by Elliott's accusations, Philby confirmed the charges of espionage and described his intelligence activities on behalf of the Soviets. [17], In London, Philby began a career as a journalist. Aileen Philby resented him and disliked his presence; Americans were offended by his "natural superciliousness" and "utter contempt for the whole pyramid of values, attitudes, and courtesies of the American way of life". [5], Elena Modrzhinskaya at GUGB headquarters in Moscow assessed all material from the Cambridge Five. Later, realising that he lacked the talent to be a professional painter, Philby worked briefly as a freelance newspaper photographer before taking up joinery. Find out where Kim Philby was born, their birthday and details about their professions, education, religion, family and other life details and facts. The Macleans lived well, housed in a smart building overlooking the river, in a splendid six-room flat which they gradually filled with bric--brac and furniture shipped from home. This is absolutely the best place for us. [56] Lacking access to material of value and out of touch with Soviet intelligence, he all but ceased to operate as a Soviet agent. Upon her return to Istanbul in late 1948, she was badly burned in an incident with a charcoal stove and returned to Switzerland. Philby worked at first as a freelance journalist; from May 1937, he served as a first-hand correspondent for The Times, reporting from the headquarters of the pro-Franco forces. When they had not returned on the Sunday night, her mother was frantic. They knew the risks they were running. I dont accept Philbys excuses. Volkov's defection had been discussed with the British Embassy in Ankara on telephones which turned out to have been tapped by Soviet intelligence. Philbys defection sent ripples of shock across Western intelligence and is often described as one of the most dramatic moments of the Cold War. It seemed a fitting finale for such a notable spy. Angleton, later chief of the Central Intelligence Agency's (CIA) Counterintelligence Staff, became suspicious of Philby when he failed to pass on information relating to a British agent executed by the Gestapo in Germany. [85], Philby found work in the early 1970s in the KGB's Active Measures Department churning out fabricated documents. He died in 1983 at the age of 69, recording beforehand that I do not at all regret having done what seemed and still seems to me my duty. However, his son told The Telegraph that his fathers contribution to the physical demise of Western intelligence operatives is overstated: there is no information that anyone died as a result of Kim Philbys treachery, he said. In 1936 he began working at a failing trade magazine, the Anglo-Russian Trade Gazette, as editor. [58] This retraction came about when Philby was officially cleared by Foreign Secretary Harold Macmillan on 7 November. [49] Philby had undertaken to devise an escape plan which would warn Maclean, in England, of the intense suspicion he was under and arrange for him to flee. The comments below have not been moderated, By Philby jnr admitted that when the news broke, he felt a sense of something approaching quiet approval. Philby died in the city in 1988, 25 years after defecting to the Soviet Union, where he was employed as an occasional consultant to the KGB helping to prepare spies for missions to the west. In November 1964, after a visit to the United States, she returned, intending to settle permanently. As for Melinda the central figure in the circle of loyalty and secrecy, desertion and reconciliation, love and solitariness that was the human drama of Donald Macleans life she lived well into her 90s before dying in New York in 2010, silent to the end about her years with one of Britains most infamous traitors. In a written statement, they admitted they had been Communists since their Cambridge days and disingenuously described themselves as political refugees, not spies. A more serious threat to Philby's position had come to light. "[51] On 25 May, Burgess drove Maclean from his home at Tatsfield, Surrey to Southampton, where both boarded the steamship Falaise to France and then proceeded to Moscow. He told the paper that Kim eventually came to think that it was all wrong, implying that Philby grew disillusioned with the Soviet system. Harry St. John Bridger Philby, 1885-1960, British explorer, official, and author. This mistake made it possible to break the normally impregnable code. Philby admired the strength of her political convictions and later recalled that at their first meeting: A frank and direct person, Litzi came out and asked me how much money I had. We all loved him enormously. He was able to order new books from Bowes & Bowes bookshop in Cambridge, who checked with MI5 whether they should be supplying him. You should have seen his face.". From April 1950, Maclean had been the prime suspect in the investigation into the Embassy leak. Burgess did not cope well. And in 1951, as his spying activities unravelled and his Soviet masters told him to defect, she agreed the best course of action was for him to be ex-filtrated rather than try to brazen out the accusations of treachery that were soon to be levelled at him. The new London rezident, Ivan Chichayev (code-name Vadim), re-established contact and asked for a list of names of British agents being trained to enter the Soviet Union. [88], While working as a correspondent in Spain, Philby began an affair with Frances Doble, Lady Lindsay-Hogg, an actress and aristocratic divorce who was an admirer of Franco and Hitler. "[8], Upon Philby's graduation, Maurice Dobb, a fellow of King's College, Cambridge and tutor in Economics, introduced him to the World Federation for the Relief of the Victims of German Fascism, an organization based in Paris which attempted to aid the people victimized by Nazi Germany and provide education on oppositions to fascism. Philby or his Russian bosses dreamed up this claim so he would not be seen as a traitor to democratic Britain. P&P free on orders over 15. However, Pukhova said the fear that she would leave had helped her husband temper his intake in later years. Tagged with Cold War, defectors, double agents, Dudley Thomas Philby, H.A.R. Philby suffered only a minor head wound. Philby was posted to the United States the following year, and Burgess, who was second secretary at the British Embassy, lodged with the Philbys at their ramshackle house in Washington. [7][pageneeded], At Cambridge, Philby showed his "leaning towards communism," in the words of his father St John, who went on to write: "The only serious question is whether Kim definitely intended to be disloyal to the government while in its service. He was tall and fair; she was slight with curly, dark hair. [89], In 1940, he began living with Aileen Furse in London. Harry St John Philby was devastated to not become the first westerner to cross the Empty Quarter. He took a job at a monthly magazine, the World Review of Reviews, for which he wrote a large number of articles and letters (sometimes under a variety of pseudonyms) and occasionally served as "acting editor. 894646. [37], In February 1934, Philby married Litzi Friedmann, an Austrian Jewish communist whom he had met in Vienna. '', he would reply: ''Oh yes, I'm his son.''. And this was the line Melinda presented to MI5 after his defection with fellow mole Guy Burgess: she had been every bit as duped as theyd been. He testified before the Dies Committee (later to become the House Un-American Activities Committee) regarding Soviet espionage within the US. Please, The subscription details associated with this account need to be updated. Colonel Redl from the Austro-Hungarian Empire prior to WW1 probably was a more devastating spy. death death: 1988-05-11. manner of death: Natural Causes cause of death: Myocardial Infarction. Born in India in 1912, Philby became a communist sympathiser after leaving Cambridge and began working as a KGB informer in the mid 1930s in London. Were working to restore it. In February 1947, Philby was appointed head of British intelligence for Turkey, and posted to Istanbul with his second wife, Aileen, and their family. Larger numbers were landed by sea and air under Operation Valuable, which continued until 1951, increasingly under the influence of the newly formed CIA. Eventually, Tommy visited Kim five times in Moscow in the 1970s. He had five, one of whom, incidentally, was named after George Washington, the American president. Yesterday, in our serialisation of an electrifying biography based on newly released papers, we heard how he fled to Moscow just as he was about to be arrested leaving behind his supposedly innocent wife. "[18], Philby continued to live in the United Kingdom with his wife for several years. n ADAPTED from A Spy Named Orphan by Roland Philipps, to be published by The Bodley Head on April 26 at 20. Philby snr was the senior officer of Britain's Secret Intelligence Service (MI6) in Washington in the early 1950s, working with the CIA and FBI, when he fell under suspicion of spying. [11][pageneeded], Philby provided Stalin with advance warning of Operation Barbarossa and of the Japanese intention to strike into southeast Asia instead of attacking the Soviet Union as Hitler had urged. [11][pageneeded], By September 1941, Philby began working for Section Five of MI6, a section responsible for offensive counter-intelligence. [11][pageneeded] Following the Austrofascist victory in the Austrian Civil War, Philby and Friedmann married in February 1934, enabling her to escape to the United Kingdom with him two months later. He was very good when he was around. "He once even said that it was the easiest way to bring life to an end. She lived separately from Philby, settling with their children in Crowborough while he lived first in London and later in Beirut. [47], Burgess, who had been given a post as Second Secretary at the British Embassy, took up residence in the Philby family home and rapidly set about causing offence to all and sundry. 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The investigation into the British Embassy leak continued and the stress of it was exacerbated by the arrival in Washington, in October 1950, of Guy BurgessPhilby's unstable and dangerously alcoholic fellow Soviet spy. His alcoholic mother, Aileen Furse, was his father's mistress before they were married in 1946 after he divorced his first wife. As a result of this accident, Philby, who was well-liked by the Nationalist forces whose victories he trumpeted, was awarded the Red Cross of Military Merit by Franco on 2 March 1938. [52][53], Burgess had intended to aid Maclean in his escape, not accompany him in it. She would be his silent witness for all the difficult years ahead. Then, of course, there was Kim Philby's own children. [3], Secret files released to the National Archives in late 2020 indicated that the UK government had intentionally conducted a campaign to keep Philby's spying confidential "to minimise political embarrassment" and prevent the publication of his memoirs, according to a report by The Guardian. In our final extract, she secretly joins him behind the Iron Curtain. A person of high intelligence struggles to make sense of the world as it relates to morality, relationships, sex, and leaving her apartment. [11][pageneeded] Philby's Soviet controller at the time, Theodore Maly, reported in April 1937 to the NKVD that he had personally briefed Philby on the need "to discover the system of guarding Franco and his entourage". Philby's work led to the deaths of dozens of British agents, making him a reviled traitor once he was exposed in Britain. He said that there was no discipline there; he made friends with the archivist, which enabled him for years to take secret documents home, many unrelated to his own work, and bring them back the next day; his handler took and photographed them overnight. 1951Tips off fellow Cambridge Spy Donald Maclean that a warrant has been issued for his arrest. How? Of the five, Philby is believed to have been most successful in providing secret information to the Soviets.[2]. [ | ] 1912 ' ( '), . When Melinda and the children joined him, they moved into a small apartment and the children were put into the local Soviet schools. She hoped Donald would now find a way of getting in touch with her. Despite being forced to step down from his MI6 post, he maintained links with the service while working as correspondent for The Observer newspaper in the Middle East. Weakened by alcoholism and frequent sickness, she died of influenza in December 1957.[91]. He feared that she would dump him because he was just a boring official in the British diplomatic service so to make myself look better and more important, I told her the reason why I led such a life. [36][37] Charles Arnold-Baker, an officer of German birth (born Wolfgang von Blumenthal) working for Richard Gatty in Belgium and later transferred to the Norwegian/Swedish border, voiced many suspicions of Philby and Philby's intentions but was ignored time and time again.[5]. Aileen died in 1957, when Tommy was just 11 years old; his contact with his father was cut off as soon as the double spy defected to the USSR in January 1963. [5] He won a scholarship to Trinity College, Cambridge, where he studied history and economics. Colonel David Smiley, an aristocratic Guards officer who had helped Enver Hoxha and his Communist guerillas to liberate Albania, now prepared to remove Hoxha. Death. Without Club Last club: Basingstoke Most games for: Reading U18 Without Club since: Dec 22, 2018 . He needed a secret sharer in his life as well as someone to admire him. ", "John le Carr, The Art of Fiction No. Melinda fitted the bill. [74] When the news broke, MI6 came under criticism for failing to anticipate and block Philby's defection, though Elliott was to claim he could not have prevented Philby's flight. Alamy. They even had a dacha a country cottage 20 miles from Moscow where the children could swim, fish, bicycle and forage for mushrooms. And here he was struck by disappointment, brought to tears. Stewart Menzies, head of SIS, disliked the idea, which was promoted by former SOE men now in SIS. Born in British India, Philby was educated at Westminster School and Trinity College, Cambridge. The NKVD complained to Cecil Barclay, the SIS representative in Moscow, that information had been withheld. By the end of the Second World War he had become a high-ranking member. Krivitsky claimed that two Soviet intelligence agents had penetrated the Foreign Office and that a third Soviet intelligence agent had worked as a journalist for a British newspaper during the civil war in Spain. Harry George Philby Birth. Burgess' defection to Moscow with Maclean in 1951 cast suspicion on Philby snr. Harry had 6 siblings: Mary B Philby, Kathleen V Philby and 4 other siblings. After leaving Cambridge, Philby worked as a journalist, covering the Spanish Civil War and the Battle of France. Angleton remained suspicious of Philby, but lunched with him every week in Washington. In 1971, Philby married Rufina Pukhova, a Russo-Polish woman 20 years his junior, with whom he lived until his death in 1988. [11][pageneeded] In early 1934, Arnold Deutsch, a Soviet agent, was sent to University College London under the cover of a research appointment, but in reality had been assigned to recruit the brightest students from Britain's top universities. He told The Telegraph that he personally did not agree with his fathers political views, but added: he was what he was, what could I do?. In 1940 he began working for the United Kingdom's Secret Intelligence Service (SIS or MI6). He became more optimistic once the family was deemed fully rehabilitated and they moved to Moscow in 1955. [54][61] There, his journalism served as cover for renewed work for MI6. Harry St John Bridger Philby Order of the Indian Empire (CIE) (3 April 1885, Badulla, British Ceylon - 30 September 1960, Beirut, Lebanon), also known as Jack Philby or Sheikh Abdullah ( ), was a British Arabist, adviser, explorer, writer, and colonial office intelligence officer. During his career as an intelligence officer, he passed large amounts of intelligence to the Soviet Union, including a plot to subvert the communist regime of Albania. [67] When Nicholas Elliott met Philby in late 1962, the first time since Golitsyn's defection, he found Philby too drunk to stand and with a bandaged head; he had fallen repeatedly and cracked his skull on a bathroom radiator, requiring stitches. All was reasonably well between them until Kim Philby the master-spy who recruited him back in their Cambridge days himself defected in 1963. He graduated in 1933 with a 2:1 degree in Economics. "But he never got aggressive, and just went to bed. His wife Eleanor joined him in Moscow, and the Philbys and the Macleans spent a lot of time together, going to the ballet or just having dinner and playing bridge. [63] From 1960, Philby's formerly marginal work as a journalist became more substantial and he frequently travelled throughout the Middle East, including Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Jordan, Kuwait and Yemen. While working as a senior member of British intelligence, he spied on behalf of the Soviet NKVD and KGB from the early 1930s until his defection. [61], It is unclear whether Philby had been alerted, but Eleanor noted that as 1962 wore on, expressions of tension in his life "became worse and were reflected in bouts of deep depression and drinking". PHILBY GB165-0229 Middle East Centre, St Antony's College, Oxford. After George Washington, the subscription details associated with this account need to be updated tall! Had intended to Aid Maclean in 1951 cast suspicion on Philby snr stewart,! In Ankara on telephones which turned out to have been most successful in providing secret information to be published the... Barclay, the Anglo-Russian trade Gazette, as editor here she was 38 further.... Was happy in Moscow daughter, the journalist Charlotte Philby returned to.... Living with Aileen Furse in London journalist Charlotte Philby once he was an or. 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