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darlie routier dna results 2019

They were scheduled to fly out on June 14, 1996. U dont have a clue!!! However, they had made up their mind from day one that she was guilty and that was it. The way the police collected evidence in brown & clear bags also seems very clumsy, items were sticking out of the top of some bags & many not sealed before they removed them from the scene, cross contamination springs to mind. Everyone is covering for him. The birthday by the grace was a celebration of his life. U need to do a more through check before u criticize . Jo Douglas is your name now? Watching the 20/20 episode, I was also embarrassed and disgusted with the juror. I am dumbfounded why it has taken more than 20 years for defense attorneys to get the Dallas Police to finally be forced to have the bloody fingerprint tested by a laboratory. She was bleeding. because they didnt agree with her lifestyle. She wasnt convicted because of sexism and character assassination, you lame ass liars. I completely agree with you. Texas courts are very corrupt and this case is not all that unusual. I for the life of me could never understand what they were using for proof of guilt when proof of innocence was everywhere!! She has been on death row for more than 20 years, accused of stabbing her two sons to death. Darlie's latest appeal is pending as the Court is awaiting the results of advanced DNA testing. darlie routier dna results 2021. Thank gawd you dont make important decisions. Did you witness it to be 100 percent sure. Her mother had an offer from Dr. Phil five years ago to do his show get his help with further testing, worldwide attention to her daughters case and she refused. Darlie, who was also sleeping downstairs, had two slice wounds in her right forearm and one in her left shoulder, and her throat had been cut. I have a few friends in America (yes I do have at least a few mates) & a word that comes up often is how a large majority of Americans & us English are now using, that word is anyways that is absolutely incorrect to say it that way, it is singular for all ways when using it & thats simply anyway nothing added at all. To all those who state if Routier gets a new trial the outcome will be the same: You better hope that you are ever on the other side of a bad conviction like Routier And Avery! And what mother names her daughter after herself? The cops, the courts, and the ridiculous jurors had tunnel vision. The blood splatter alone on her shirt is enough to find her guilty. If shes guilty, further evidence will likely be revealed that shes guilty. They need to call Detective Patterson out of retirement and investigate him as well. You open yourself up to a HUGE potential shit storm of danger when you go traveling down the roads he was walking down. Darlie thought she got away with it. I hear Dallas TX has had a lot of mistakes made with theyre screw UPS in just trying to get someone named to be the perpiture.. She is innocent!! What proof? She lives in a fantasy world just like 90% of the morons on this planet. Ppl say she was convicted because of marijuana in her house or over her demeanor not true at all alot did her in but the thing tht screwed her was her own testimony she failed miserably Start exposing the truth about Darin. Darin and Darlie kee admitted they made a deal with her lawyer not to implicate Darin in the crime. Of course she didnt get a license plate #. He could of put a mask on and stabbed all three of them. Darlie was likely the intended victim; but I personally feel like if thats the case its because Darin owed the wrong ppl some money vs Darin putting a hit out on her. The insurance company had their suspicions about the policies Darin had on Darlie, Damon and Devon. Its so much easier to call everyone else out on their flaws than it is to take a good hard look inside yourself and confront your own shit. If there was any credibility to this information, especially if it would lead to Darlies conviction being overturned, it would have been done a long time ago. She is guilty but shouldnt be executed because i dont believe in death penalty. Am I the only one who thinks she is innocent? If Darlie doesnt open up about the facts surrounding Darin she has no hope of ever getting a new trial. They know that fingerprint has no male DNA it it. Darin Routier knows what happened so does Darlie Kee and Sarilda and Lenny Routier. Darlie was a beautiful, popular cheerleader, who was born on January 4, 1970, in Altoona, Pennsylvania. Damn. Sure I was on the fence a year ago after watching that totally leaning innocent program The Last Defense. The bloody fingerprint was proven, by Routiers own team, to contain no male DNA. Her journal entries about witch craft fyi it was popular back then to mess with. Take a good look at the crime scene photos of the sink and tell me that if it was your sink, youd consider that clean. Ross is still our child even though he is now with God. If so, Cooper isnt saying. Its beyond crazy when these supporters are mothers and grandmothers, trying to set a baby killer free. I believe that she is innocent. Charming comment.not !! Their mother, Darlie Routier, 26, slept on the couch. I actually think he did the killing, I think she set the robbery. They are sick and pathetic. Devon and Damon are dead. CELEBRATING YOUR CHILDS BIRTHDAY ISNT A CRIME EVEN IF ITS AT A GRAVE SITE. And Texas will have to pay her for every year they kept her locked up. Hows that innocence proof working out for yall? I heard someone say they stake the area out even sometimes sending a person who you may think is a neighborhood jogger to make sure there is no activity. The blood clean up at the sink is what bothers me the most. Copyright 2020 Fort Worth Weekly, All Rights Reserved. Very strange. Couldnt have said it better myself. .. I celebrate his birthday every year with a cake and as much joy as I can. I saw him! Ya that tends to happen when tou do laundry, Exactly and it was Darins sock. He lied when he said he had an alibi in Darlie standing at the stairs when he came out of his room. And a neighbor of the Rutiers said she saw a vehicle parked outside the Routiers home 7 or 8 days before the murders, didnt recognize it, & a man left when he saw the neighbor approaching the car. I think that if those videos did not get into evidence, Darlie would be a free woman. No bloody shoeprints, no handprints, & after 23 years, if there was any evidence to prove Darlies innocence, wouldnt it have come out by now? Damon was alive and breathing for almost 10 minutes. Why? They shouldnt be in law enforcement because they dont have enough brains to do the job correctly. They saw the silly string video & immediately believed she was guilty!!! I believe in reasonable doubt and just following her case she shouldnt have been convicted. Im not saying you are one, but you come off as one with your American English comment. The IP took the Avery case in 1985 and freed him of that wrongful conviction. If she gets a new trial the outcome will be completely different. I can not say either way but I feel she never had chance. Look online for the court document showing the two Innocence Project attorneys that have jumped on board. With the same force used on the 2 defenseless children. Her appeals were remanded . lies every case against the prosecution. On June 6, 1996 a little after 2:00 a.m., Darlie Routier called 9-1-1 reporting that an intruder stabbed her and her 2 sons, Devon and Damon. Thats your contribution to this discussion? Darlie is 100% a victim and needs justice. The majority of suburban Texans judge and are afraid of anything they perceive as different. Texas is famous for executing innocent people all the time. Nothing will change for Darlie until they investigate Darin. If there was an intruder why werent there fingerprints, footprints, etc. Kim, I agree that Darrin did the clean up and planted the sock regardless who he thought did it, Darlie, co-scammers or an unknown intruder. Darlie Routier (Darlie Lynn Peck) was born on 4 January, 1970 in Altoona, Pennsylvania, U.S., is an American convicted murderer on death row. Enough with the Silicone-Shaming ("Invisible Intruder," Forensic Files, and "Darlie Routier," The Last Defense) An ABC series called The Last Defense is reviving interest in the 1996 murders of Devon and Damon Routier and the character assassination prosecutors used to put their mother on death row.. Darlie Lynn Peck Routier. Darlie deserves a new trial at the very least. Let them rest in peace and stop making money off their mother. There is NO doubt Avery killed Teresa. So Darin deals with grief by bragging to everyone about his wifes breast size and body. That only proves it may have been her sock, either laying on the floor or on her foot which came off during the struggle and when the attacker realized he had it on him or in his hand he dumped it. June 12, 2018. Americans will speak English any damn well we please. The fact she is still locked up is completely disgusting. And the other (illegally taken) video footage of the family at the cemetery having a prayerful memorial service and you hear the anguish and weeping while they were thereTHAT FOOTAGE was purposely NOT shown to the jury because the Detectives and Prosecutors knew that the jury would see how much Darlie loved her boys. . A sane well stated response. Just makes no sense. And you did it for even less. I remember seeing something on tv several years ago that said the jury was never allowed to see the photographs of Darlies injuries and supposedly years later the jury foreman was shown the photographs and said that had they seen those pictures, they would have never voted to convict. Nobody with an IQ above 100 can watch that entire trial and say she is innocent with a clear conscious. Im a normal person that loves his kids. The defense can run tests, follow up on leads, in this case for example, nothing was stopping them from trying to find the black carthe neighbor saw twice in front of the Rutiers house (supposedly). It lit up like Christmas. Read the transcripts and stop perpetuating bullshit. You lied about that. But all of a sudden she just up and snaps one night, making a God-awful bloody mess of her white carpet? Its truly disturbing to see people so cruelly obsessed with one womans execution. Not sure if yall are looking at the bigger picture,,, think u are breaking in to a home,, u dont know where people sleep,, first thing you do go to bedrooms kill all adults who can stop you,,, how the killer knew they where in the living room?? They only list cases that have already been fully exonerated. Darlie almost died because the slit in h er throat was so close to the main artery. Darlie Lynn Peck Routier (born January 4, 1970) is an American woman from Rowlett, Texas, who was convicted and sentenced to death for the murder of her five-year-old son Damon in 1996. As for her marking her sons birthday with silly string etc etc, make sure you are aware of ALL videos taken that day, with at least one video with a completely different scenario of her crying, struggling to mark the birthday or not, the jury didnt get to see that video, they only watched the one showing her wishing her son on what wouldve been his birthday & they watched it approx 8 times. Conclusion Darlie's throat was slashed, and her right arm was cut to the bone. Its all of YOU wholl pay for taking her innocent life. There is absolutely no They both want ppl to see them as victims. So what she was injured, she done it to herself. A bunch of ignorant Texas yahoos. It will be more merciful than what she did to those innocent kids. There was a number of explanations for that, and had Doug Mulder not been a fraud and a cheat the forensic experts that were hired before he took over the case would have proven exactly how the blood got on her shirt along with a lot of other so called DNA evidence. Ummm, what case have YOU been following? She will be burning in hell very soon. The reason I ask is because I know around the time that the murders happened, there were a lot of homes being robbed in that area and surrounding areas like Garland, Mesquite, Dallas, when a loved one had passed away and obituaries in the papers would list family members full names and what city they lived in. Half the island cant pronounce the word with wiff this, wiff that WTF?! If she planted the bloody sock before the And if I was in that position, I would be the one dead, not my child. Well golly gee my auto correct works because I probably typed Damians name in recently and he is a supporter so Ill correct myself just for you DAMON hope you booty feels better now . Couldnt agree with you more! No evidence of Darlie fighting with anyone. Ill take your bet and double it. (Not all obviously.) Look at the Anthony Graves case & the district attorney Charles Sebesta knew before Anthonys trial began that he was innocent cuz Robert Carter informed him. Americans our Justice System needs to be revamp that you are Innocent Until proven Guilty not the other way. At least be creative if you plan to lie. 2mm more and she would of been dead. They were murdered by their mother! darlie routier dna results 2021 darlie routier dna results 2021 (No Ratings Yet) . The Bible says so. I saw the graveside birthday party footage, same as you did. He did a lousy job of defending her. There was one tiny spot of blood on the back of her shirt & before you say it got there by her stabbing down & then lifting knife up to shoulder leaving blood to drop on back of shirt, doesnt make any sense, these babies were repeatedly stabbed over & over, there wouldve been a huge amount of blood but there wasnt. Tick Tock for Darin. You absolute tool head !! They have not taken this guilty womans case. Thats what I call poetic justice. It remains to be seen whether those recent issues and the reports to review referenced by Cooper involve the DNA testing that has been ongoing since 2008, though Cooper has said there is little chance of a meaningful finding in that regard. Per the medical examiner, Damon could only have lived 9 minutes AT MOST after being stabbed. Or did anyone ever think the husband, with all their recent debt at the time, figured hed hire someone to come in and do (mostly) his entire family, with the exception of the infant whom of which he used as a supposed alibi as to why he was upstairs? Darlie has always maintained her innocence. Why because she was a waitress or didnt speak intellectually. While she was in jail her husband was feeding her bull crap telling her the police had another suspect and an arrest was pending. Very sad!!! I have also wondered why there has never been a reward put up for information about the case. Bloody footprints below the vacuum and broken wine glass? Everyone knows scumbag defense attorneys dont require clients to be innocent. Really? None of it really added up and if the trial would of been in a different town with a better attorney she would never be on death row. She deserved a new trial many years ago but didnt even get that. They need to investigate Darin Routier. What makes you people think that this couldnt happen to your kid because lets face it, thanks to the reign of terror, just about every Texan family has been touched by the TDCJ system. All the time. It was over the surviving son where she lost custody of course. And had she known what kinda shit he was involved in and just how corrupt the ppl he had associated himself with were; she would have been beyond frustrated she prob woulda took the kids and left his ass and its a damn shame she didnt get that opportunity ; cause that would have saved 3 lives. Shes white trash. Thats only in the book. Guess where most slimy criminal defense lawyers learn their dirty tricks? Just as disturbing as an innocent woman being convicted of murdering her children, is the fact that the true murderer(s) is free and will likely never be brought to justice for their crime At least, not during their natural life span. Im not even gonna comment on this, to many ignorant people in the world, and the state of Texas leads the way and thats fact. Im pretty certain youd want the same if you were ever accused of somethingcorrect facts, its not rocket science !! She was a 26 year old house wife, not a Sherlock Holmes fiction writer. Thats when Devon and Damon will get real justice. Susan Smith admits to killing her children; shes eligible for parole in less than 5 years. He said Damon was moving. The extremely sad events where the murder of young boys is stomach churning for most, if not all of those speaking about Darlie Routiers guilt or innocence. I agree with everything you said. She now has two Innocence groups working with her attorneys. Its not like you go around asking law abiding conservative ppl to be a hired gun for this shit. I know that if she gets out they will just charge her with her other sons murder and try harder to mislead/explain things like the sock Im sure her life is over either way. If it was so sure to prove Darlie innocent why the hell would they wait 10 years to free Darlie? His blood splatter found on front and back of her gown. I remember this case well and lived not far from her house. That the fact that she had a boob job, and No innocent women would say that!! THIS WOMEN IS INNOCENT. Too bad Routier is a complete fool and didnt know how good Forensic science can be. Regardless this person, who is probably still out there doing this, panicked when the kids started yelling stranger danger or screaming, or whatever when the intruder walked into what I am sure he believed was an empty house. Her ex-husband still believes that she's innocent. They botched the investigation and were ordered by the chief to go arrest her. Impeccable reputations to this day. So you slander people for using fake profiles when you have been using fake profiles for years? yeah when hell freezes over shes being released. Allison was just there tagging along. Disgusting bunch of idiots. This case is the poster of injustice. I am so sorry for what has happened to your children. Now he acts like he supports her. How many license plates numbers do you record every night as people you dont know drive by your house? None of you people get it. Or you didnt do your job. she voted for her to be convicted because the woman had implants and had lots of jewelry. Terri, you are certainly entitled to your (wrong) opinion. When that day comes Im going to knock on the doors of a few choice people and spray those f***ers down with silly string. Well I lived in Rowlett 1999- 2003. Also her bloody finger print on the vacumn cleaner she layed down. The silly string video. Overzealous cops made up their minds right from the start and MADE the evidence fit Darlie. Leave them. It is such a sad system when Lady Justice is not blind nor deaf to all the information they saw or read that was not presented during the trial. Just realized that Toby Shook was Amber Guygans lead defense attorney in her murder trial and got her off with only ten years. does not make her a murderer.. Just because she is a little ditzy and because she didnt react like you would in her situation,(I mean shit you guys judge her if she is or isnt crying.) What you put out into this world comes back on you tenfold. The bloody sock found near a sewer by the home had the kids dna and chloroform. So what a sock was found up the road from their home, she planted it there. Or maybe they bent over backwards to hide this fact so neither one got implicated during the investigation and trial? Darin will have to tell you more because they read my mail! Neighbors had testified she was a stay a home Mom that pretends to be a Super Mom, while her children ran wild in the neighborhood. Idiot,youd ignore facts such as someone slit her throat and bruised her arm and threw a bloody sock out a football field away from her house where u say she ran with her throat slit because your stupid thinks two spots of blood on the back of her shirt is more telling!!!! I sincerely hope all of her appeals have been exhausted and she will meet her fate SOON! I think he found someone and it went south. DR will do anything to delay justice. He explained the confab at the DAs office as a meeting about a number of issues that weve been discussing with the DAs office, some for a long time and some recently. Youre the Darlie fangirl. There is way more to it than the documentaries lead people to believe, people have patterns and ways of doing things, the murderer was a stabber, stabbed the kids multiple times with enough force to go all the way through, then for some reason takes a weak slash at darlie? I know that bruise. Darlie could not have given him an alibi because she was in the kitchen getting the phone when Darin decided to make his appearance. Especially when advised by counsel to do so. We are a burden of proof state and she was not proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. She is delusional. She knew things about Darin and for what ever reasons she decided to stay silent. Why anything? If youre going to speak for the victims try getting their names right, K? After 22 years, Darlie Routier remains on death row for son's murder: Part 11 Defense investigators are still working to prove she was not involved in her sons' deaths. Failure alert just like Avery. She killed them, the forensic evidence is overwhelming, she should be stoned to death. The wine glass, the vacuum cleaner, the knife spot in the living room, the cleaned up blood by the sink, the bread knife in the kitchen that cut the screen, her foot prints only in the kitchen and living room. Sounds like possible typical Texas investigating to me. No way! Darlie ambushed two sleeping children then went door to door like she was selling Avon inviting neighbors to a birthday party at a cemetery. This entire case was corrupt from start to finish. Wake up live in the real world . When she failed the defense pick of the person they wanted o give lie detector and the fingerprint and blood and every other piece of crap they wanted tested hoping theyd find something. Fact she is still our child even though he is now with God a by!, by Routiers own team, to contain no male DNA American comment..., same as you did why the hell would they wait 10 years to free Darlie speak... 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