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If one ofand the other holding 643 ep, 697 sp, and 1,470 gp. The glow hasthe magical intensity of a moonlit night; the lightfills the entire room, This hexagonal chamber was chipped fromthe inside of a monstrously huge quartz crystal.The walls are faceted in great reflecting planes.The 60'-high ceiling is supported by a 10'-diame-ter pillar of transparent crystal. Faerie fire severe muscular disorder, as per DISEASE in theand torch light produce a 3' glow. Just add L3 - Deep Dwarven Delve of archangel777 to My Favorites. Click to read more about Deep Dwarven Delve (L3) by Len Lakofka. Any gold takenmechanism for setting the pit trap is located in from the niche eventually turns out to be ironarea 15. Somewhe, 0% found this document useful, Mark this document as useful, 0% found this document not useful, Mark this document as not useful, Do not sell or share my personal information. Fest Hall 24. Only a dwarf or gnome may open the secretdoor; the door may also be opened using a Spaced around the room are twenty ore-sizedknock spell. Ogre Lair one torch is lit. L3 Deep Dwarven Delve is a fantasy adventure module or "module" for Advanced Dungeons & Dragons . Creatures inPrime Material Plane, he seeks to recover the gaseous form cannot penetrate them but aregems, one at a time if necessary. Your party of stalwart heroes must venture into a lost dwarven mining complex, fighting terrible monsters, bypassing deadly traps, and exploring chambers heavy with the dust of ages. The stairwell is lit by a continual light continual light spell. This caused the concept of levels and training as well as sliding saving throwsbased on level. As Baalzebul's power expands, his minions will and devours it, then throws the body into the pitestablish additional links farther from the Delve (see below). Originally written as the concluding adventure in the "L" series, the manuscript was completed in 1979. Notes:Grab a random Battleground quest from the activity finder for bonus rewa If the savingquestions), raise dead, and plane shift. sconces, but only three torches are lit. Cold Caverntwenty-four hours the continual darkness is again This great, unlit cavern is kept magically place. Thefirst two were issued as L1 and L2, but then turmoil at TSR prevented L3 from coming out. The sword is fiercely independent andBaalzebul to ask for aid. A magical radiance fills this chamber; the The southern exit from this chamber leads to alight's intensity is about equal to a full moon. Sheare waiting in this area, the ore car can be is picky, however, and does not eat humanoids.stopped by pushing with a combined Strength of The naga is very intelligent and uses her spells to36 or better (treat as AC 5; all those who wish to the utmost. Any livingthe corridor widens into a bulge 25 feet wide, andhere lie the rotted remains of two huge air bellows creature other than Enthar or Frelpic who enterssimilar to those found in area 10. The golemstudy and workroom. Two to four fighters, perhaps one ranger of levels 3-5, with possibly one of level 6. The lemure emerges from the gate (see detected.below) and thus appears to crawl up from thefloor. There are unprocessed chunks of raw ore here with a 91-00 1 1 0 1 0 4 total value of about 500 gp. The dwarven outpost is a mixture of caverns plus buildings and rooms made by the duergar. Discover the best professional documents and content resources in AnyFlip Document Base. Prison & Stables continual light spell, but the command word "off" The floor of this circular room is strewn with of extinguishes the light. There isVezenor is here also. A dwar-and 16 feet tall. Deep Dwarven Delve was published by Fantasy Gaming on 2022-08-18. He is actually a wraith (AC 4; HDstrong in this area that none of the undead crea- 5 + 3; hp 23; #AT 1; D 1-6; SA energy drain (one level); SD silver or magical weapons needed to hit; tures or the devils can enter this room. If Enthar isstronghold. A soft, magical glow illuminates the 30'-high,These zombies wear chain mail and carry ham- roughly hewn cavern and the many huge stalac-mers and 4-48 gp. Five huge timbers seal the southern passage out of the room. Dungeon Module L3 Deep Dwarven Delve by Len Lakofka AN ADVENTURE FOR CHARACTER LEVELS 3-6 This module has lain unseen and forgotten in the TSR design vault for twenty years. If you find this module intriguing, look for the TSR logo on future publications from THE GAME WIZARDS! If the boul- der trap on the northern stairs has been tripped,21. throw may be rolled. do a deep dive into the enigmatic history of the Grey Wardens, there is a book for you. If anyone scales the ledge to inspect the body,they find that the skeleton is indeed dead and Characters who cannot escape the path of theinanimate. All about Deep Dwarven Delve (L3) by Len Lakofka. Removingwraith's dark energy is absorbed into the weapon, these timbers, regardless of any precaution save awhich transforms from whatever material it was silence spell, is quite noisy.previously composed of to a dead black sub-stance that reflects no light. 2 ogreswho lurk below can manifest beyond the confines C. 1 orc (commander)of Level Two or Threeunless the heroes possess any D. 8 orcs (entrance guard)of the gems carried by the devils and Frelpic. or gnome. In long sword +3 named Zalco (see the APPENDIX ateither case, each rider suffers 2-8 points of the end of the module for more information on thisdamage from the subsequent jump or crash. At ground level, the trails can belace in 1 hourif he or she lives that long. Any pudding where, the bone devil is lurking in area 30.reduced to half hit points has a 50% chance offleeing; otherwise, it remains and eats anything 30. Arranged about the walls areThis room is usually guarded by two dwarven twelve decrepit wooden beds that crumble whenzombie fighters (AC 4; 3rd-level fighter; hp 20, 18; touched. The sword's pommel and hilt appear asdamage for each segment of contact. (The relic, a gold chalice, is +2), a wand of magic detection with 2-5 charges,worth 200 gp and is found in area 7 if introduced.) If he combined ego-intelligence of 32 and is chaoticdoes, it takes him 66 rounds to reach the fortress of neutral. These timbers can be movedwraith assumes a gaseous form and swirls about with a percentage chance equal to three times athe weapon used to dispatch it. The cold persists through area 30 and endsding must make a saving throw vs. acid. The quarter-inch- thick layer of dust on the floor has not been dis- The south wall has been converted into a series turbed for over 200 years. There is a sustaining damage; body must be burned or dis-50% chance that these orcs are accompanied by solved in acid to destroy completely; AL CE).an orc leader (AC 6; HD 1 + 2; hp 10; #AT 1; D byweapon; AL LE) wearing ring mail and carrying a There is a 20% chance that the troll is joined byshield, spear, short sword, and 4-40 ep. As soon as any non-dwarf dents, it rolls until it reaches area 11.enters the room, the skeletons animate andattack. using the secret door in area 4 to penetrate the second level of the Delve. Nomining. The glow seems cannot be detected as such.) Just added to your cart. The arch-devil was cunninglytownsfolk watched in horror as the structure twisted the allegiance of some of the miners whoburned, presumably killing everyone inside. A Fool's Errand 16. mail and carrying a shield, spear, short sword, and 4-40 ep. Treasure Room All tunnels have torch sconces made of iron Entry to this room requires the key held by spaced about 60-70 feet apart. Upon entering thisa d20. The first 3rd Edition adventure module published (not counting OGL/d20 STL modules) by Wizards of the Coast was The Sunless Citadel, in 2000. The party, rolled up just an hour beforehand, consisted of two halfling thieves, a gnome assassin, a dwarven fighter, and an elven cleric. The prisoners must be healed F per room is a good approximation) to a mini-before they can travel, and some attempt must be mum of 50 F. The temperature is below freezing inmade to clothe them before they can be safely areas 29 and 30. Dispel E. 6 orcs (leaders)magic or remove curse must be cast on the gems, F. 30 orcs (normal)or else the devils can use them as a link to their G. 12 orcs (raiding party)home plane and gate to the location of any gem H. 1 trollat any time. Everything the helm wearer says isnot until it is picked up, and then only if it has a treated like a suggestion spell to members ofmind to speak. Barracksdor sloping upward. This cavernis occupied by four more vats of airweed, identicalto those found in area 21. If the walls are inspected carefully, a dwarf has a 75% chance of noticing the new stoneworkgp. Ceilings. If the naga successfully charms a The railroad continues into this room but is particularly troublesome foe, she commands the hero to leap into the crevice.abruptly interrupted by a 10'-wide crevice thatbisects the room. Sit down with Mike Mearls and learn more. Mithril Mine The door has no lock but it is barred from the east This room has been the source of recent mithril side. The corridors leading from areas 2 and 5 are Eight torch-filled sconces line the walls of thislined with six sconces apiece, but only one torch in chamber, and all are lit save the one closest toeach tunnel is lit. or an attempt to take the axe is made. As with the main torches.entrance, dwarves and gnomes are 95% likely tonote it as the work of dwarves. The rail-crevice is approximately 10 feet across.Characters may successfully leap the crevice by road that began in area 9 and continued throughrolling less than or equal to their Strength scores on areas 10 and 11 ends here. In seconds, the character's bend bars percentage. A pair of rusted iron railsbeen ransacked, and the troll sleeps on the third. perature another dozen or so degrees within 10 22feet of the bowl itself. Storage chamber. The pud- and leaps out to surprise intruders.dings are not hampered by the continual dark-ness. Dwarves and gnomes receive a +4 bonus to their Each time the brazier flares, a lemure (AC 7; HD saving throw. There is a 60% chance they do not ani- 10. There is also 2-8 raiding party orcs (AC 6; HD 1; hp 6 each; #ATa 15% chance that they are joined by a bugbear 1; D by weapon; AL LE), each wearing ring mail(AC4; HD3 + 1; hp 17; #AT 1; D byweapon; ALCE) and carrying a shield, footman's mace, light cross-dressed in splint mail and carrying a club and bow, and 2-24 ep. bottom of the stairs just ahead of the boulder. L3 Deep Dwarven Delve - Dungeons & Dragons $18.99 + $3.49 shipping Top Rated Plus Advanced Dungeons & Dragons - Deities & Demigods Cyclopedia Of Gods - TSR 2013 $31.00 2 bids + $12.50 shipping 20 watchers AD&D Advanced Dungeons & Dragons Night Below An Underdark Campaign 1125 TSR $135.00 + $14.99 shipping Seller 100% positive Bugbear Barracks Six large, rough pallets occupy this room, During the day, this entrance is guarded by 1-4orc guards (AC 5; HD 1; hp 5 each; #AT 1; D by along with a large wooden table and two long,weapon; AL LE). There are a total of six torches along the 10-60 gp. Frelpic, dwarven Patriarch of Baalzebul (AC -1; "A" MAIN ENTRANCE8th-level cleric; hp 68; #AT 1; D by weapon; SAspellscause fear by touch, command, dark- The main entrance is some 80 feet aboveness, light; hold person, know alignment, resist ground level and cannot be seen from the basefire, silence; cause blindness, continual dark- of the hill. By Greg Gillespie Self Published S&W Levels 1-7 Gundgathol lies in ruin. Those hand-written rules,with changes, additions, and deletions became a tighter and tighter set over the next year. At the head of the table arrangement, a throne has been carved out of the rock of this20. The stairs leading to the cavern are long 36. Retro Review: L3 Deep Dwarven Delve (part 1 of 2) L3 Deep Dwarven Delve [ RPGmdsFan ] L3 Deep Dwarven Delve (DM Guide) [ RPGmdsFan ] My group beats the Deep Dwarven Delve (part 2 of 2) L3 Deep Dwarven Delve [ RPGmdsFan ] Delving Deeper- Delve: A Solo Map-Drawing Game Top 10 Worst D\u0026D AdventuresBetrayal at Krondor Part 5 - Deep Dwarven . Trapped Corridor the trap in area 14. Teleporter Room The walls of most tunnels and chambers are The floor of this room consists of three raised smooth and true; there are no places to hide along the walls.tiers, each tier approximately 5 feet above the onebeneath. mies find doom at my touch!" In each chestadditional spells, see ROSTER; SD suffer half are 4-24 pp.damage from edged weapons; unaffected bysleep, charm, hold, and cold-based spells; AL NE). We had prepared the Horticulture Hall the Friday before, settingup the tables and game areasalthough we had no vendors that first year. All from area 38, the teleporter becomes inactive forbut one bracket in the north wall contains a lit five rounds.torch. If a party enters the chamber with lit torchesor open lanterns, the quartz walls reflects andmultiplies the light enormously, and any charac-ters who are in the room at that time are blindedfor 2-5 rounds unless a saving throw vs. spell issuccessful. There is a 1 % chance that Vezenor is present as18. However, the cleric was drivenaster. It was a60-or-so-page booklet with an ugly yellow cover. The ring radiates both evilon the gems, they no longer draw his attention or and magic, but identify spells indicate only that itgate him back to the Prime Material Plane. Engraved on the blade indiameter, circular pit masked by an illusion to flowing scrip is "Master of order, I beckon you toappear as nothing more than simple cave floor. People also played Diplomacyand a few miniatures games, the Napoleonics games having the largest displays. Human and demi-human bones The passage slopes westward at a 25-degreeand offal are spread around the chamber. L3: Deep Dwarven Delve Introduction To use this conversion guide you will need a copy of "L3 Deep Dwarven Delve", originally available in hard-copy and now for sale in Digital format at This the top tier when the ring activates is instantly tele-narrow peephole is located 10 feet up the wall ported to area 38. If he still has an attack spell prepared, heriders without a struggle. Each statuette stands he holds it up to look at it, mutters over some2 feet tall, weighs 10 pounds, and represents one of imperfection, then continues with his hammering,the seven dwarven clans in this part of the world. 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