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mysql bulk insert best performance

Case 2: Failed INSERT Statement. Bulk Insert On Duplicate Key Update Performance. There are several great tools to help you, for example: There are more applications, of course, and you should discover which ones work best for your testing environment. [ESCAPED BY ‘char’] The more data you’re dealing with, the more important it is to find the quickest way to import large quantities of data. The problem becomes worse if we use the URL itself as a primary key, which can be one byte to 1024 bytes long (and even more). Trying to insert a row with an existing primary key will cause an error, which requires you to perform a select before doing the actual insert. Some optimizations don’t need any special tools, because the time difference will be significant. Extended inserts on the other hand, do not require a temporary text file, and can give you around 65% of the LOAD DATA INFILE throughput, which is a very reasonable insert speed. Posted by: Dan Bress Date: July 09, 2007 02:39PM ... - when i look in MySQL Administrator I see MANY of these insert calls sitting there, but they all have a time of '0' or '1' ... (using a bulk insert) Instead of writing each key value to B-tree (that is, to the key cache, although the bulk insert code doesn't know about the key cache), we store keys in a balanced binary (red-black) tree, in memory. Try a sequential key or auto-increment, and I believe you'll see better performance. If it’s possible to read from the table while inserting, this is not a viable solution. I measured the insert speed using BulkInserter, a PHP class part of an open-source library that I wrote, with up to 10,000 inserts per query: As we can see, the insert speed raises quickly as the number of inserts per query increases. For $40, you get a VPS that has 8GB of RAM, 4 Virtual CPUs, and 160GB SSD. If you’re looking for raw performance, this is indubitably your solution of choice. I created a map that held all the hosts and all other lookups that were already inserted. Turns out there are many ways of importing data into a database, it all depends where are you getting the data from and where you want to put it. INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE operations are very fast in MySQL, but you can obtain better overall performance by adding locks around everything that does more than about five … I decided to share the optimization tips I used for optimizations; it may help database administrators who want a faster insert rate into MySQL database. [IGNORE number {LINES | ROWS}] Unfortunately, with all the optimizations I discussed, I had to create my own solution, a custom database tailored just for my needs, which can do 300,000 concurrent inserts per second without degradation. Saving a lot of work. [SET col_name={expr | DEFAULT} The flag O_DIRECT tells MySQL to write the data directly without using the OS IO cache, and this might speed up the insert rate. For those optimizations that we’re not sure about, and we want to rule out any file caching or buffer pool caching we need a tool to help us. Session 1 If you decide to go with extended inserts, be sure to test your environment with a sample of your real-life data and a few different inserts-per-query configurations before deciding upon which value works best for you. Selecting data from the database means the database has to spend more time locking tables and rows and will have fewer resources for the inserts. If you are adding data to a nonempty table, you can tune the bulk_insert_buffer_size variable to make data insertion even faster. SELECT statement. The MySQL benchmark table uses the InnoDB storage engine. The advantage is that each write takes less time, since only part of the data is written; make sure, though, that you use an excellent raid controller that doesn’t slow down because of parity calculations. A blog we like a lot with many MySQL benchmarks is by Percona. I calculated that for my needs I’d have to pay between 10,000-30,000 dollars per month just for hosting of 10TB of data which will also support the insert speed I need. Placing a table on a different drive means it doesn’t share the hard drive performance and bottlenecks with tables stored on the main drive. MySQL default settings are very modest, and the server will not use more than 1GB of RAM. Therefore, it’s possible that all VPSs will use more than 50% at one time, which means the virtual CPU will be throttled. If you’re looking for raw performance, this is indubitably your solution of choice. If Innodb would not locking rows in source table other transaction could modify the row and commit before transaction which is running INSERT .. You can copy the data file to the server's data directory (typically /var/lib/mysql-files/) and run: This is quite cumbersome as it requires you to have access to the server’s filesystem, set th… [TERMINATED BY ‘string’] Make sure you put a value higher than the amount of memory; by accident once, probably a finger slipped, and I put nine times the amount of free memory. To export a single table: A bit more about this line: … This setting allows you to have multiple pools (the total size will still be the maximum specified in the previous section), so, for example, let’s say we have set this value to 10, and the innodb_buffer_pool_size is set to 50GB., MySQL will then allocate ten pools of 5GB. You can copy the data file to the server's data directory (typically /var/lib/mysql-files/) and run: This is quite cumbersome as it requires you to have access to the server’s filesystem, set the proper permissions, etc. That’s why I tried to optimize for faster insert rate. If it is possible, better to disable autocommit (in python MySQL driver autocommit is disabled by default) and manually execute commit after all modifications are done. Let me give you a bit more context: you may want to get data from a legacy application that exports into CSV to your database server or even data from different servers. As mentioned, SysBench was originally created in 2004 by Peter Zaitsev. It’s possible to place a table on a different drive, whether you use multiple RAID 5/6 or simply standalone drives. The fact that I’m not going to use it doesn’t mean you shouldn’t. My task was to load data from a large comma-delimited file. In a quick test I got 6,900 rows/sec using Devart mysql connection and destination vs. 1,700 rows/sec using mysql odbc connector and odbc destination. See also 8.5.4. Bench Results. if duplicate id , update username and updated_at. >Before I issued SOURCE filename.sql; I did an ALTER TABLE page DISABLE >KEYS; LOCK TABLES page WRITE; >The dump consists of about 1,200 bulk INSERT statements with roughly >12,000 tuples each. VPS is an isolated virtual environment that is allocated on a dedicated server running a particular software like Citrix or VMWare. For this performance test we will look at the following 4 scenarios. At 06:46 PM 7/25/2008, you wrote: >List, > >I am bulk inserting a huge amount of data into a MyISAM table (a >wikipedia page dump). [LOW_PRIORITY | CONCURRENT] [LOCAL] It’s free and easy to use). Bulk processing will be the key to performance gain. In MySQL there are 2 ways where we can insert multiple numbers of rows. Part of ACID compliance is being able to do a transaction, which means running a set of operations together that either all succeed or all fail. In MySQL before 5.1 replication is statement based which means statements replied on the master should cause the same effect as on the slave. Note that these are Best Practices; your results will be somewhat dependent on your particular topology, technologies, and usage patterns. The MySQL bulk data insert performance is incredibly fast vs other insert methods, but it can’t be used in case the data needs to be processed before inserting into the SQL server database. Running the ETL process from Oracle to Oracle for the same … Percona is distributing their fork of MySQL server that includes many improvements and the TokuDB engine. Soon version 0.5 has been released with OLTP benchmark rewritten to use LUA-based scripts. ] Ascii character is one byte, so a 255 characters string will take 255 bytes. MySQL NDB Cluster (Network Database) is the technology that powers MySQL distributed database. InnoDB-buffer-pool was set to roughly 52Gigs. This solution is scenario dependent. Increasing the number of the pool is beneficial in case multiple connections perform heavy operations. [(col_name_or_user_var This file type was the largest in the project. SET bulk_insert_buffer_size= 1024 * 1024 * 256; UPDATE 2012-07-19 14:58 EDT. I ran into various problems that negatively affected the performance on these updates. MySQL is ACID compliant (Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, Durability), which means it has to do certain things in a certain way that can slow down the database. In specific scenarios where we care more about data integrity that’s a good thing, but if we upload from a file and can always re-upload in case something happened, we are losing speed. Remember that the hash storage size should be smaller than the average size of the string you want to use; otherwise, it doesn’t make sense, which means SHA1 or SHA256 is not a good choice. When importing data into InnoDB , turn off autocommit mode, because it performs a log flush to disk for every insert. INTO TABLE tbl_name With this option, MySQL will write the transaction to the log file and will flush to the disk at a specific interval (once per second). For example, when we switched between using single inserts to multiple inserts during data import, it took one task a few hours, and the other task didn’t complete within 24 hours. This file had 220,000 rows, each of which had 840 delimited values and it had to be turned into 70 million rows for a target table. Then, in 2017, SysBench 1.0 was released. I was so glad I used a raid and wanted to recover the array. The parity method allows restoring the RAID array if any drive crashes, even if it’s the parity drive. SQL Bulk Insert Concurrency and Performance Considerations January 18, 2019 by Timothy Smith One of the challenges we face when using SQL bulk insert from files flat can be concurrency and performance challenges, especially if the load involves a multi-step data flow, where we can’t execute a latter step until we finish with an early step. An SSD will have between 4,000-100,000 IOPS per second, depending on the model. To my surprise, LOAD DATA INFILE proves faster than a table copy: The difference between the two numbers seems to be directly related to the time it takes to transfer the data from the client to the server: the data file is 53 MiB in size, and the timing difference between the 2 benchmarks is 543 ms, which would represent a transfer speed of 780 mbps, close to the Gigabit speed. Do you need that index? Increasing performance of bulk updates of large tables in MySQL. At approximately 15 million new rows arriving per minute, bulk-inserts were the way to go here. Wednesday, November 6th, 2013. There are two ways to use LOAD DATA INFILE. The problem is I'm getting relatively poor performance inserting into my MySQL table - about 5,000 rows/s. When sending a command to MySQL, the server has to parse it and prepare a plan. Some filesystems support compression (like ZFS), which means that storing MySQL data on compressed partitions may speed the insert rate. In fact we used load data infile which is one of the ways to get a great performance (the competing way is to have prepared bulk insert statements). In case there are multiple indexes, they will impact insert performance even more. If you are pulling data from a MySQL table into another MySQL table (lets assume they are into different servers) you might as well use mysqldump. You simply specify which table to upload to and the data format, which is a CSV, the syntax is: LOAD DATA A commit is when the database takes the transaction and makes it permanent. Let’s take, for example, DigitalOcean, one of the leading VPS providers. Understand that this value is dynamic, which means it will grow to the maximum as needed. In all, about 184 million rows had to be processed. I will try to summarize here the two main techniques to efficiently load data into a MySQL database. The more memory available to MySQL means that there’s more space for cache and indexes, which reduces disk IO and improves speed. CPU throttling is not a secret; it is why some web hosts offer guaranteed virtual CPU: the virtual CPU will always get 100% of the real CPU. There are more engines on the market, for example, TokuDB. So far the theory. The solution is to use a hashed primary key. Fortunately, it was test data, so it was nothing serious. Before we try to tweak our performance, we must know we improved the performance. Ask Question Asked 1 year ago. Translated, that means you can get 200ish insert queries per second using InnoDB on a mechanical drive. Since I used PHP to insert data into MySQL, I ran my application a number of times, as PHP support for multi-threading is not optimal. First and the foremost, instead of hardcoded scripts, now we have t… The data I inserted had many lookups. If you have a bunch of data (for example when inserting from a file), you can insert the data one records at a time: This method is inherently slow; in one database, I had the wrong memory setting and had to export data using the flag –skip-extended-insert, which creates the dump file with a single insert per line. The default MySQL value: This value is required for full ACID compliance. There is no one-size-fits-all number, so you need to benchmark a sample of your data to find out the value that yields the maximum performance, or the best tradeoff in terms of memory usage / performance. Test Scenarios for SQL Server Bulk Insert. The ETL project task was to create a paymen… Needless to say, the cost is double the usual cost of VPS. The alternative is to insert multiple rows using the syntax of many inserts per query (this is also called extended inserts): The limitation of many inserts per query is the value of –max_allowed_packet, which limits the maximum size of a single command. Another option is to throttle the virtual CPU all the time to half or a third of the real CPU, on top or without over-provisioning. Typically, having multiple buffer pool instances is appropriate for systems that allocate multiple gigabytes to the InnoDB buffer pool, with each instance being one gigabyte or larger. Primary memory setting for MySQL, according to Percona, should be 80-90% of total server memory, so in the 64GB example, I will set it to 57GB. Oracle has native support and for MySQL I am using the ODBC driver from MySQL. [, col_name={expr | DEFAULT}] …]. The reason is that if the data compresses well, there will be less data to write, which can speed up the insert rate. To test this case, I have created two MySQL client sessions (session 1 and session 2). Some people claim it reduced their performance; some claimed it improved it, but as I said in the beginning, it depends on your solution, so make sure to benchmark it. As expected, LOAD DATA INFILE is the preferred solution when looking for raw performance on a single connection. To get the most out of extended inserts, it is also advised to: I’m inserting 1.2 million rows, 6 columns of mixed types, ~26 bytes per row on average. For example, if I inserted web links, I had a table for hosts and table for URL prefixes, which means the hosts could recur many times. Active 21 days ago. Soon after, Alexey Kopytov took over its development. When working with strings, check each string to determine if you need it to be Unicode or ASCII. Before using MySQL partitioning feature make sure your version supports it, according to MySQL documentation it’s supported by: MySQL Community Edition, MySQL Enterprise Edition and MySQL Cluster CGE. While LOAD DATA INFILE is your best option performance-wise, it requires you to have your data ready as delimiter-separated text files. BULK load; BULK load with tablock; BULK … I don’t have experience with it, but it’s possible that it may allow for better insert performance. The good news is, you can also store the data file on the client side, and use the LOCAL keyword: In this case, the file is read from the client’s filesystem, transparently copied to the server’s temp directory, and imported from there. Just to clarify why I didn’t mention it, MySQL has more flags for memory settings, but they aren’t related to insert speed. I recently had to perform some bulk updates on semi-large tables (3 to 7 million rows) in MySQL. If I absolutely need the performance I have the INFILE method. Some things to watch for are deadlocks. It’s important to know that virtual CPU is not the same as a real CPU; to understand the distinction, we need to know what a VPS is. I know there are several custom solutions besides MySQL, but I didn’t test any of them because I preferred to implement my own rather than use a 3rd party product with limited support. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top ... Unanswered Jobs; How does autocommit=off affects bulk inserts performance in mysql using innodb? In that case, any read optimization will allow for more server resources for the insert statements. To improve select performance, you can read our other article about the subject of optimization for  improving MySQL select speed. There are drawbacks to take in consideration, however: One of the fastest ways to improve MySQL performance, in general, is to use bare-metal servers, which is a superb option as long as you can manage them. This way, you split the load between two servers, one for inserts one for selects. A typical SQL INSERT statement looks like: An extended INSERT groups several records into a single query: The key here is to find the optimal number of inserts per query to send. Would be interested to see your benchmarks for that! In session 1, I am running the same INSERT statement within the transaction. The benchmark source code can be found in this gist. Let’s take an example of using the INSERT multiple rows statement. But when your queries are wrapped inside a Transaction, the table does not get re-indexed until after this entire bulk is processed. The benchmarks have been run on a bare metal server running Centos 7 and MySQL 5.7, Xeon E3 @ 3.8 GHz, 32 GB RAM and NVMe SSD drives. You do need to ensure that this option is enabled on your server, though. Entity Framework Classic Bulk Insert Description. Note that the max_allowed_packet has no influence on the INSERT INTO ..SELECT statement. [[OPTIONALLY] ENCLOSED BY ‘char’] There are many options to LOAD DATA INFILE, mostly related to how your data file is structured (field delimiter, enclosure, etc.). Many selects on the database, which causes slow down on the inserts you can replicate the database into another server, and do the queries only on that server. When you run queries with autocommit=1 (default to MySQL), every insert/update query begins new transaction, which do some overhead. The INSERT statement in MySQL also supports the use of VALUES syntax to insert multiple rows as a bulk insert statement. This means the database is composed of multiple servers (each server is called a node), which allows for faster insert rate The downside, though, is that it’s harder to manage and costs more money. Every database deployment is different, which means that some of the suggestions here can slow down your insert performance; that’s why you need to benchmark each modification to see the effect it has. [CHARACTER SET charset_name] Therefore, a Unicode string is double the size of a regular string, even if it’s in English. Also there are chances of losing the connection. We got a 6× increase in performance on localhost and a 17× increase over the network, compared to the sequential INSERT speed: It takes around 1,000 inserts per query to reach the maximum throughput in both cases, but 40 inserts per query are enough to achieve 90% of this throughput on localhost, which could be a good tradeoff here. There are two ways to use LOAD DATA INFILE. But this time I have interrupted and killed the INSERT query at session 2. If you are inserting many rows from the same client at the same time, use INSERT statements with multiple VALUES lists to insert several rows at a time. Some collation uses utf8mb4, in which every character is 4 bytes, so, inserting collations that are 2 or 4 bytes per character will take longer. To keep things in perspective, the bulk insert buffer is only useful for loading MyISAM tables, not InnoDB. MySQL supports table partitions, which means the table is split into X mini tables (the DBA controls X). Dapper Tutorial Dapper - Insert and Update in Bulk. ] LOAD DATA INFILEis a highly optimized, MySQL-specific statement that directly inserts data into a table from a CSV / TSV file. They can affect insert performance if the database is used for reading other data while writing. where size is an integer that represents the number the maximum allowed packet size in bytes.. These performance tips supplement the general guidelines for fast inserts in Section, “Optimizing INSERT Statements”. Using load from file (load data infile method) allows you to upload data from a formatted file and perform multiple rows insert in a single file. MySQL writes the transaction to a log file and flushes it to the disk on commit. Unicode is needed to support any language that is not English, and a Unicode char takes 2 bytes. The database should “cancel” all the other inserts (this is called a rollback) as if none of our inserts (or any other modification) had occurred. This means that, in all likelihood, the MySQL server does not start processing the file until it is fully transferred: your insert speed is therefore directly related to the bandwidth between the client and the server, which is important to take into account if they are not located on the same machine. We decided to add several extra items beyond our twenty suggested methods for further InnoDB performance optimization tips. Before I push my test plan further, I'd like to get expert's opinion about the performance of the insert stored procedure versus a bulk insert. (not 100% related to this post, but we use MySQL Workbench to design our databases. To do this, include multiple lists of column values, each enclosed within parentheses and separated by commas. The INSERT INTO ..SELECT statement can insert as many rows as you want.. MySQL INSERT multiple rows example. I wrote a more recent post on bulk loading InnoDB : Mysql load from infile stuck waiting on hard drive With this option, MySQL flushes the transaction to OS buffers, and from the buffers, it flushes to the disk at each interval that will be the fastest. Check every index if it’s needed, and try to use as few as possible. MariaDB and Percona MySQL supports TukoDB as well; this will not be covered as well. I believe it has to do with systems on Magnetic drives with many reads. It’s not supported by MySQL Standard Edition. INFILE ‘file_name’ If you get a deadlock error, you know you have a locking issue, and you need to revise your database design or insert methodology. (because MyISAM table allows for full table locking, it’s a different topic altogether). I was able to optimize the MySQL performance, so the sustained insert rate was kept around the 100GB mark, but that’s it. It’s 2020, and there’s no need to use magnetic drives; in all seriousness, don’t unless you don’t need a high-performance database. This will, however, slow down the insert further if you want to do a bulk insert. Normally your database table gets re-indexed after every insert. Be careful when increasing the number of inserts per query, as it may require you to: As a final note, it’s worth mentioning that according to Percona, you can achieve even better performance using concurrent connections, partitioning, and multiple buffer pools. Having multiple pools allows for better concurrency control and means that each pool is shared by fewer connections and incurs less locking. The database can then resume the transaction from the log file and not lose any data. I know that turning off autocommit can improve bulk insert performance a lot according to: Is it better to use AUTOCOMMIT = 0. These performance tips supplement the general guidelines for fast inserts in Section, “Optimizing INSERT Statements”. The EF Bulk Insert feature let you insert thousands of entities in your database efficiently.. Your 'real' key field could still be indexed, but for a bulk insert you might be better off dropping and recreating that index in one hit after the insert in complete. This is the most optimized path toward bulk loading structured data into MySQL. Needless to say, the import was very slow, and after 24 hours it was still inserting, so I stopped it, did a regular export, and loaded the data, which was then using bulk inserts, this time it was many times faster, and took only an hour. And things had been running smooth for almost a year.I restarted mysql, and inserts seemed fast at first at about 15,000rows/sec, but dropped down to a slow rate in a few hours (under 1000 rows/sec) Inserting the full-length string will, obviously, impact performance and storage. The MySQL documentation has some INSERT optimization tips that are worth reading to start with. In my case, one of the apps could crash because of a soft deadlock break, so I added a handler for that situation to retry and insert the data. Have a look at the documentation to see them all. The benchmark result graph is available on When you need to bulk-insert many million records in a MySQL database, you soon realize that sending INSERT statements one by one is not a viable solution. Speed of INSERT Statements predicts a ~20x speedup over a bulk INSERT (i.e. The one big table is actually divided into many small ones. In my case, URLs and hash primary keys are ASCII only, so I changed the collation accordingly. The benefit of extended inserts is higher over the network, because sequential insert speed becomes a function of your latency: The higher the latency between the client and the server, the more you’ll benefit from using extended inserts. But I dropped ZFS and will not use it again. That's some heavy lifting for you database. I tested two common configurations: As a basis for comparison, I copied the table using INSERT … SELECT, yielding a performance of 313,000 inserts / second. So, as an example, a provider would use a computer with X amount of threads and memory and provisions a higher number of VPSs than what the server can accommodate if all VPSs would use a100% CPU all the time. [, col_name_or_user_var] …)] It’s also important to note that after a peak, the performance actually decreases as you throw in more inserts per query. In case the data you insert does not rely on previous data, it’s possible to insert the data from multiple threads, and this may allow for faster inserts. The flag innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit controls the way transactions are flushed to the hard drive. MySQL uses InnoDB as the default engine. Using precalculated primary key for string, How to create your own SEO tool – The detailed guide, mysqladmin – Comes with the default MySQL installation. If I have 20 rows to insert, is it faster to call 20 times an insert stored procedure or call a batch insert of 20 SQL insert statements? [STARTING BY ‘string’] That's why transactions are slow on mechanical drives, they can do 200-400 input-output operations per second. The reason is – replication. Fortunately, there’s an alternative. It’s possible to allocate many VPSs on the same server, with each VPS isolated from the others. INSERT or DELETE triggers (if the load process also involves deleting records from … Each scenario builds on the previous by adding a new option which will hopefully speed up performance. Would love your thoughts, please comment. For example, let’s say we do ten inserts in one transaction, and one of the inserts fails. The way MySQL does commit: It has a transaction log, whereby every transaction goes to a log file and it’s committed only from that log file. [LINES All in all, it’s almost as fast as loading from the server’s filesystem directly. It reached version 0.4.12 and the development halted. Will all the methods improve your insert performance? After a long break Alexey started to work on SysBench again in 2016. During the data parsing, I didn’t insert any data that already existed in the database. In case you have one or more indexes on the table (Primary key is not considered an index for this advice), you have a bulk insert, and you know that no one will try to read the table you insert into, it may be better to drop all the indexes and add them once the insert is complete, which may be faster. Naturally, we will want to use the host as the primary key, which makes perfect sense. This was like day and night compared to the old, 0.4.12 version. In order to insert huge number of we are using Bulk Insert of MySQL. Let’s assume each VPS uses the CPU only 50% of the time, which means the web hosting can allocate twice the number of CPUs. LOAD DATA INFILE is a highly optimized, MySQL-specific statement that directly inserts data into a table from a CSV / TSV file. A single transaction can contain one operation or thousands. As you can see, the dedicated server costs the same, but is at least four times as powerful. LOAD DATA INFILE. In this article, I will present a couple of ideas for achieving better INSERT speeds in MySQL. The reason is that the host knows that the VPSs will not use all the CPU at the same time. This flag allows you to change the commit timeout from one second to another value, and on some setups, changing this value will benefit performance. Some filesystems support compression (like ZFS), which means that storing MySQL data on compressed partitions may speed the insert rate. an INSERT with thousands of rows in a single statement). [TERMINATED BY ‘string’] A bulk operation is a single-target operation that can take a list of objects. It requires you to prepare a properly formatted file, so if you have to generate this file first, and/or transfer it to the database server, be sure to take that into account when measuring insert speed. Mysql writes the transaction log is needed to support web servers on VPS modest. 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Old, 0.4.12 version optimized, MySQL-specific statement that directly inserts data into MySQL. General guidelines for fast inserts in one transaction, and usage patterns, we will want to use hashed. 5 for MySQL will improve reading speed because it performs a log file and not lose data! Number the maximum as needed server that includes many improvements and the server has calculate. 2 bytes t mean you shouldn ’ t want ACID and can remove part of for... There ’ s free and easy to use it doesn ’ t want ACID and can part. A batch operation includes multiple target operations that each can take a … if duplicate,. A hashed primary key, which means that each can take a … if duplicate id, Update and. A map that held all the Hosts and all other lookups that were already inserted between servers. In some cases, you can tune the bulk_insert_buffer_size variable to make data insertion faster... ) is the preferred solution when looking for raw performance, this is the preferred solution looking. 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To recover the array single-row insert Statements your solution of choice decreases as you throw in more per. To make data insertion even faster benchmarks is by Percona the load between servers... Are 2 ways where we can insert as many rows as you throw in more inserts per query look the... In bytes transaction to a table of Hosts controls the way transactions are slow on mechanical drives, will... By adding a new option which will hopefully speed up performance VPS that has an index will performance. Normally your database efficiently I ’ m not going to be processed a... Or auto-increment, and data was lost VPS providers ( 3 to 7 million rows ) in MySQL also the... 0.4.12 version can affect insert performance needless to say, the performance means it grow. % related to this post, but we use MySQL Workbench to our... Code can be found in this gist X mini tables ( 3 to 7 million rows to. Project task was to create a paymen… 10.3 bulk insert of MySQL this case course. From a CSV / TSV file MySQL before 5.1 replication is statement based which means the is.

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